View Full Version : Wont Start

07-24-2012, 08:10
I have a 95 3500 with a 6.2 installed in the place of the 6.5 it came with. All componants are from the 6.5 and until now this has worked great.

About a week ago I ran out of fuel, added fuel, drove to the station and filled up (about two miles and it ran great). Yesterday, I tried to start it up, Nothing!! Engine turns over properly, Glow plugs cycle like they are suposed to. never tries to fire. I bypassed the fuel relay and purged the lines and filter, I have fuel pressure to the pump, changed the shut off valve, swapped PMDs twice, cracked the injector lines while trying to start and got no fuel coming out of them. Also tried starting fluid just enough to see it will fire and try to start (it did fire). After driving this for two miles I cant beleive there is air in the system. The pump is a junk yard pump about two years old and one of the best running pumps I've had so i hate to replace it unless i have to. At this point I have about convinced myself the inj pump is the problem but someone brought up the crank shaft/camshaft sensor and Im not sure what part these sensors plays or how to inspect or test these sensors or maybe there is something I've failed to check. Can you help?

07-25-2012, 19:49
well it turns out I assumed this problem was related to running out of fuel. The end result was bad PMD, and two bad spare PMDs. I had a real good friend who wouldnt listen to me and insisted he try my PMDs on his trk, they failed, and then put his spare on my trk and it ran! Not sure how this happened but it did. Both spares were used but tested before I set them up as spares.