View Full Version : fuel leak

04-14-2012, 13:46
hey guys i have a 98 k3500 6.5 179000 miles. i changed the injector
pump and repaired grounds. i have a fuel leak under the intake.
i can see it running to back of vally on drivers side. does anyone
know any tricks to seeing the injectors lines to see if one is loose
and leaking. i have a miss now, i guess because of fuel leak.
my check engine light came on after running for a few mins.
thanks for any help

steve n.carolina

04-14-2012, 16:13
bottom of fuel filter is a know point for leaking. So are the ruber lines on top of the engine. If it's an injector line leaking you should be able to see it.

The miss could be be a piece of crud that got into one of the lines while changing the pump. Can you loosen one line at a time to locate the cylinder with the miss? Kind of like pulling a plug wire on a gas motor. Find the miss and clean that injector.

How many miles on your injectors? Might be time for them too.

04-14-2012, 21:05
Using a flashlight and a mechanics mirror you can look up the valley from the firewall end of the engine. That is how I found my injector line leak after the dealer installed a new I.P. Good luck.

04-15-2012, 06:24
i ran the engine while trying to see where the leak is and couldnt
really pin point location. it seems to be more on drivers side.
then ses lite came on. neighbor pulled codes for me code 380
and 304. injector number 4 which is on drivers side bottom.
i will pull intake and check connection.


04-15-2012, 06:57
Get the intake off

Clear the area well.
You can run the engine just fine with the manifold off.

The turbo will make whizzing sounds and blow air but as long as you are careful and keep any rags or other items that can either fall or get sucked into the open ports, its good to go.

You can then locate and repair the leak without having all the extra work over again.

Be careful and good luck.


04-15-2012, 16:51
i found the fuel leaks. injector lines 4 and 5 were loose. only 4 was
leaking pretty bad. no 5 had a drip. i had a blow 20 amp fuse eng 1
in the fuse box. i replaced the glow plug relay and fuse. reset codes
and good to go so far. thanks a bunch everyone


04-15-2012, 18:40
I love it when a plan comes together. :D

Glad to hear that all is well.
