View Full Version : wastegate help

03-23-2012, 13:03
Hi, all, 1st post here, but I've been a loyal reader/lurker for ~8 years.
We recently bought a 1993 6.5L after selling my beloved 1993 6.5L (can anyone see a trend?:p).
On its "maiden" trailering journey with me (not too far, ~70 miles altogether) I discovered the turbo was NOT WORKING. The whine was completely missing.
We've removed the actuator, it's working fine (and don't forget, it's a '93, so it's mechanical, not electronic).
We've taken the cover off the wastegate and have found that the lever working the wastegate from the actuator is seized solid, and the wastegate is closed and being prevented from opening. My question is: do we have a hope in hades of freeing the lever, and cleaning it so the wastegate is free to open/close again? If so, how do we go about making sure it won't seize again? This truck has to last me at least 4 more years before I can afford another one, so I want the turbo to work!

03-23-2012, 13:42
Welcome to the forums, finally!

The wastegate can be repaired, if not damaged too bad. The shaft bushing can be replaced (usually during a rebuild). WG shaft seizure can happen if the truck sits unused for an extended period, and corrosion can cause this. Try soaking with PB Blaster and slowly try working it loose. This can take a long time, depending on how bad it is. Don't force it too much, or it can be damaged permanently. Often, it can be loosened and returned back into normal service, without any adverse affects. Otherwise, it may be time for a turbo overhaul/replacement. Good used replacements can be had for less than a rebuild (Ebay, etc.), and usually work as well as they are received (if it works when you get it, they usually work a long time).

03-23-2012, 13:48
Thanks, DMAX, will try the PB Blaster first and go step by step from there.