View Full Version : The old cracked head issue - how long can I run it?

Uncle Wally
01-29-2004, 13:07
Hey guys,

I am looking at buying a used Burban with a 6.5. Unfortunately it's a long way from here and I can't just pop in to look at it. There is a definate problem with either a cracked head or head gasket. No coolant into the crackcase but it uses coolant. The price is fair and the vehicle is exactly what I am looking for. I'll just need to work on it when I get it home.

Here's the delema:

Is it even feasable to consider driving this thing 1800 miles home? I was thinking that I could take the cap and undo it to the first notch to prevent blowing extra coolant out, and then nurse it back at 60 or so. And then when the temp gauge starts to climb a touch, top it off with more coolant and keep movin on. I figure with as cold as it is it would run cooler and have less of a chance at overheating.

Any suggestions or experience with this?

01-29-2004, 13:41
You roll the dice and you take your chances. Since it is using coolant, and there is none in the crankcase, that tells me that it is leaking into the cylinders. You get a little too much water into that cylinder and WHAMMO, you will be replacing more than just a head gasket. You may get away with adding some stop-leak, but you are still taking a chance.

01-29-2004, 14:27
Good Day!

I'm going to assume your present truck is set up for towing. Why not rent a car hauling trailer? Rent it from one of the local rent-alls & conveniently forget to tell them you're taking it out of town. I've done this before. While I may have exceeded the LETTER of the rental agreement, I did not exceed the SPIRIT of the agreement, as I would have gladly taken care of anything that went wrong.

Alternatively, how about a one-way car haul trailer rental? Drive out, pick up the trailer, pick up the Sub, cruise on home?


Brian Johnson, #5044

01-29-2004, 18:09
How bad is the coolant consumption? Is it getting hot? If its not getting hot just using coolant, drive it. But all I know is if it decides to screw ya, you'll be somewhere inconvenient. I vote for dragging a trailor personally. That way you know your in something that you know will make the trip. I second what moondoggie said, one way local trip smile.gif been there, done that.

Uncle Wally
01-29-2004, 20:48
Unfortunately the trans for my truck is still in pieces in the basement. So there won't be much hauling done for a month or two. At least with that rig.


Johnny B.
01-29-2004, 21:30
You can always pick up the suburban dump a couple bottles of stop leak into the radiator, pray and head home. Don't forget 4-5 gallons of water and anti freeze since you might need it. If you encounter a problem carry the addresses of U Haul and Ryder rental dealers on your route so if by chance have a problem. You can always rent a truck and tow dolley one way if needed. Hopefull you won't be stuck in nowhere Az, NM, TX or some other desolate area, good luck!

C.K. Piquup
01-30-2004, 04:26
Could you rent a truck?Either round trip or fly and rent one way.I know this adds cost.How were you getting to the vehicle anyway?3,600mi.round trip is alot off a vehicle(&fuel).I`d ask the same questions john8662 was asking.

01-30-2004, 05:09
Are you a gamblin man? :D
How bad is the leak?
I would be tempted to drive it....with the cap loose to not allow any pressure to build and drive it easy, up hills especially. I would stop often at first to check and top-up the coolant to find out how much it will use. IMHO with no pressure build up, it will not use much or any coolant. Stop leak might also help.

I say go for it! ;)

Uncle Wally
01-30-2004, 09:20

That was what I was thinking.

Stop leak? That stuff scares me. I think it causes more problems in the long run then helps in the short run. Especially when I plan on keepin this thing. Who's to say someone already hasn't put some in too. Oh well.

Unfortunately my treck would take me right through some of the most desolate parts of california, nevada, utah, and wyoming. Go figure!

I'll have to look into the trailer bit.


01-30-2004, 18:28
I wouldn't use stop-leak because it'll hurt heat transfer in radiator an engine. If want to run cooler/lower pressure, wouldn't it be better to install a 160 or 145 deg thermo, than run with cap cracked [doesn't thermo determine press via temp?] ? The key question mentioned above is how bad is leak?

01-30-2004, 19:18
Are you planning on fixing it your self or having a shop do it?
If you are taking it to a shop, maybe you could just get it fixed first before bringing it home.

Uncle Wally
01-30-2004, 21:20
I've dealt with shops before. Bo offense to anyone that owns one, but my impression has always been, I could of half a*&ed something together on my own. Why should I pay someone to do it. For the last several years I have done all my own repairs and maintenance. Which I will continue to do.

Ok - I hate getting on a pedestal - I'll climb down now.


Uncle Wally
01-31-2004, 16:03
I guess it doesn't really mater now. Truck was sold this morn. Oh well.
