View Full Version : Fuel pump throttle shaft leak

09-26-2011, 19:12
Finally got most of my known issues dealt with and decided it was time for the intake to come off (have J intake and gaskets in hand) as well as reseat my injector lines. This motor was VERY clean for a Detroit, but I hate working on grimy gritty motors, so I power washed it yesterday in preparation for the task. Tonight I cranked it again and checked to confirm exactly which of the now clean lines was leaking...

Answer: None of them...

Looks like the fuel was wicking along the grime and made it appear that the lower lines on the driver side were leaking. But the clean pump is clearly leaking from the throttle shaft on the driver side. In fact, it's now running from the shaft down the lever plate (cable/idles/solenoid) and dripping into the valley.

So some quick searching seems to indicate that there is an o-ring in there. I suppose setting for several years it got hard/shrunk and here we are. Still haven't found enough info to be sure exactly what this requires (in frame? just get rebuilt, standard o-ring size/type? etc.), so I thought I would post the question while I keep investigating myself. It's a bit hard to search for something like "fuel pump leak" and even adding qualifiers (perhaps not knowing the correct terminology) hasn't turned up anything particularly definitive yet, so advice or a link to appropriate threads would be much appreciated.

09-26-2011, 19:20
Aha, I think I just found what I'm looking for.

Old thread on replacing the o-ring (http://www.thedieselpageforums.com/tdpforum/showthread.php?t=7225&highlight=fuel+pump+leak+shaft)

Starting to look unlikely that I'll be getting this done tonight, so any further advice, links, or whatever will be much appreciated. I'll probably start after this tomorrow night...

09-26-2011, 19:49
Another good thread (http://www.thedieselpageforums.com/tdpforum/showthread.php?t=32074).

I think that mostly covers it...

More Power
09-27-2011, 10:04
Yes, I replaced the throttle shaft o-rings in a leaking DB2 back in the 1990s. Wasn't that hard, even though the local fuel injection shop said it couldn't be done, but sold me the parts anyway. It was actually pretty easy. You just gotta be careful taking it apart and reassembling it to avoid a runaway when first started.


10-03-2011, 22:42
Well, got it done, and as other have stated, no big deal. The only minor glitch was that the shaft didn't want to come out. Seemed to be wedged inside the advance cam, but before the pin hole went in, so not a burr or anything. Careful "spreading" got that done, once I spent about 20 minutes to convince myself I hadn't missed anything. Got it back together with new seals (bought from local Diesel shop for $32 for the kit just to be sure), and no more leaks from the shaft!

Also swapped to the J code intake, but kept the EGR solenoids and such in place for emissions "visual inspection". I'll keep the C intake just in case I ever get a "fix-it ticket" on the missing EGR. New Felpro gaskets also installed. First crank noticed a few leakers, including one on the bottom. Crap! Off with the intake again. Ran it with the intake off this time to fix and confirm all leakers.

So now she's driving it to school, getting used to the stick (first time in a manual). I noticed when she got home it was a bit wet in the valley, found another leaker but luckily got it from the top without having to remove the intake again. If it's not bone dry down there this weekend, I'll pull the intake again.

Anyway, thanks again for all the help! Next onto the more minor things...