View Full Version : Montana bug fogger!

Mark Rinker
09-21-2011, 04:13
Observed yesterday while descending a steep grade on I90W into Butte, MT...a well worn mid 90s K3500 crew/long/dually that was emitting CLOUDS of bluish, whiteish, pinkish? ( I swear this cloud changed colors - probably the sun angle as this happened during sunset... )

The cloud was only when the operator had his foot out of the throttle, coasting. When he accelerated, no smoke and no problem climbing the next grade.

Cloud doesn't describe it...PLUMES? Like a bug fogger!

My theory is crankcase blowby...but wow he must have burnt a quart of oil during the descent? What gives?

09-21-2011, 04:22
If it was blowby, wouldn't the truck run away?

Maybe the oil seal on the turbo, exhaust side?

Down hill not much back pressure, but when accelerating, enough exhaust back pressure to stop the oil leakage?

09-21-2011, 06:51
Well, we dont know that it was a diesel and if it was the chances are pretty good that it would be a 6.2

My guess is that i was a well worn old big block or may be a mouse motor.

A couple things come to mind here, with the throttle plates closed the manifold vacuum is very high in decell and there could be a lot of oil being sucked by the intake valve guides and due to the minimal amount of fuel being fed to the engine, combustion temps would be very low, thus the smoke.

Exhaust valve guide seals could do it too but usually not as bad.

These mid 90's rigs also had an air pump feeding the exhaust to help with emissions but that would not add much either way other than air into the exhaust.

Another possible cause is an intake manifold oil leak thats allowing oil up past the gasket and into the intake ports.

PCV valve possibly.

Oh Hell, the thing was just worn out :eek: BUTTTTT its still going. Good bet that a quick peek around that rig would turn up a supply of oil to keep the crankcase full :)

A well worn 6.2 would not normally smoke on decell.

enough oil being leaked into the engine would/could cause a run away.

Without knowing what engine was in the beast its tough to guess much farther.

NOW let me tell Y'all a little story about a motor home we were following over the pass many many years ago.

Cruisng over the Cascades many years ago, heading out camping, and come up behind this large motor home. The stench coming out of that thing was enough to knock an entire flock of Buzzards off a $hit wagon. :eek:

We all choked and gaged until the fellow finally pulled over at the summit.

I just had to ask, so we pulled in and I went over and asked the guy what he was burning in that beast.

The fellow mused over the question for a minute or so and then grinned and said, Oh, the missus had the toilet waste tank evacuator or ??? some such term turned on.

Hmmmmm seems that there was a means to pump the excess waste water from the Black water tank into a heated chamber in the exhaust system and burn it off. This was designed (??????) to eliminate the need to dump nearly as often.

Seems that both the grey water and the black water tanks were capable of being fed off through the exhaust in this way.

I dont know if any current systems can do this, but it sure smelled bad :(

I have smelled some nasty outhouses, but that stench was really nasty.

No cloud, just an aweful smell.


09-21-2011, 22:39
I can't imagine that would be efficient enough to get rid of the solids, and if you get rid of most of the water, it would be that much harder to flush out the solids from the black water tank. I know there are systems that are supposed to liquefy the solids for flushing, but I would be afraid the sold matter would come out of suspension before they would get burned off.

09-22-2011, 01:32
There are electric marine sanitation devices on the market today (Incinolet) that incinerate waste vs other chemical types of treatment. With the chemical types a "clean" liquid is discharged overboard. With the electric types nothing leave the boat but hot air and ash, but it doesn't stink and has to run on 120v. Each "flush" uses about 1.5kw of electricity. I'm not sure that would work well in an RV that isn't on shore power, but no black tank is required.

09-22-2011, 19:04
Hmmmmm seems that there was a means to pump the excess waste water from the Black water tank into a heated chamber in the exhaust system and burn it off. This was designed (??????) to eliminate the need to dump nearly as often.


I have heard of these systems and have seen owner's manuals for them. I think they were built and used in the early 70's. The ones I saw were being used on Airstream trailers and had a system allowing the waste to be pumped up to the tow vehicle's exhaust system. Definitely didn't become popular and would probably not be EPA/DOT approved today!!


09-23-2011, 07:10
Yup it was likely a mid 70's vintage coach, AHHHHH I actually still remember the make too. It was an FMC and had Mopar drive train IIRC.

Some folks that I used to go Snowmobiling with had one that was similar and it too had the "Poo Burner" :eek:

I am sure that the EPA/DOT and several other agencies would have something to say about this today for sure.

The concept was good. The tank had a "device" to churn the entire contents into a slurry and then this was supposed to be burned off in the "waste converter assembly" sort of a little can about the size of the current Cat converters.

IIRC it had a metal grid like structure that heated up to red hot and then the effluent was sprayed in at a controled rate to allow it to be vaporized and turned to ashes and blown out the tail pipe.


Hmmmmm, maybe this would work in the new diesels instead of buying the Urea juice for $$$$$$$$$$$$$ :rolleyes:


Mark Rinker
09-24-2011, 05:34
WOW this thread really went downhill fast... :D

09-24-2011, 07:28
Hmmmmm, seems that it turned a tad $hitty. :eek: OOOOps I didn't say that. :D

Thanks for sharing Mark.

We had to go somewhere with it, dont ya know ;)


09-26-2011, 17:09
jeez, what a load of crap in this thread,.
