09-06-2011, 12:37
This is a neat article I found while researching biodiesel. Looks like Duramax/GM needs to one up the competition again. Just wondering if the extra lubricating properties of bio overcomes the loss of btu's in B20 compared to dino? Kind of amazing how the biodiesel achieved a higher speed record than dino using the same truck. Food for thought.
On another note, I fueled up today at the local pump and on it was a sticker that read "may contain up to 5% biodiesel". I have never seen this sticker on a pump in Texas. Is Texas starting to have 5% bio??
This is a neat article I found while researching biodiesel. Looks like Duramax/GM needs to one up the competition again. Just wondering if the extra lubricating properties of bio overcomes the loss of btu's in B20 compared to dino? Kind of amazing how the biodiesel achieved a higher speed record than dino using the same truck. Food for thought.
On another note, I fueled up today at the local pump and on it was a sticker that read "may contain up to 5% biodiesel". I have never seen this sticker on a pump in Texas. Is Texas starting to have 5% bio??