View Full Version : Is towing with Turbomaster on stock with no gauges safe?

07-14-2011, 16:34
My dually has seemed a little doggy (compared to my burb) since I bought it. Haven't taken the time to check into it, towed a couple of weeks ago & was sorely disapointed. It didn't have nearly as much power as my burb even with the lower gears, the burb has an exhaust as well as K&N filter, nothing else is really different.

I did some side by side troubleshooting & found the vacuum pump on the truck was weak so I installed a turbo master that I bougt some time ago & never installed on the burb.

Silver (softer of the 2) spring, set at 2 inches, haven't towed yet but seemed to have noticed a slight increase in power but nothing substantial.

I am going to be towing about 90 miles, relatively flat for S. Indiana.

Is this a safe setting or should I back it off or even put the vacuum control back on?

07-14-2011, 16:56
It should be "safe", as long as you haven't installed any fuel or timing mods (chip). The PCM will protect against an overboost. If it happens, you'll be limping. You should be OK with the default setting. If it limps, back off the spring a bit.

If it has a cat, it could be nearing the end of its useful (useless) life.

07-14-2011, 17:05
no cat, it was a brush truck for a county Fire dept, my guess is they removed it.