View Full Version : Truck won't start

07-07-2011, 06:57
Well here I am again,

My 85 chevy 1/2 ton won't start. I have not fixed my small fuel leak which may have been a contributing factor to the issue. For the last couple of weeks the glow plugs have been staying on for a long time, to the point where i would turn truck off to shut them off. In the last week there has been a noise which i can only assume is the controller buzzing. Yesterday when i went to start the truck it fired off just fine, then the fuel leak became an issue again and stalled engine (have new Racor Filter just haven't installed). I was cranking engine with glow plugs still on and got about 15 seconds of crank time, then nothing. When attempting to start now, everything acts normal (other than the extra long glow plug cycle) but when turn to key to start nothing. I am suspicious of a dead short through the glow plug controller or system. Even with a 400 amp jump start i get nothing. Any options ? I would like to temporarily bypass glow plug controller just to get her home.

Thanks for any help,

07-07-2011, 07:14
Couple of issues come to mind here.

1, the glow plugs staying on for a longer than normal time, they are only good for a certain amount of time, then they burn out. The plugs are likely due for replacement. You're up against getting a set of plugs and a new glow plug controller from the sound of this.

2, the air in the fuel system.

Fix the glow system first, the engine most likely will not start with out the plugs.

07-07-2011, 14:59
Should have mentioned, I replaced the glow plugs little under a year ago. Hope they are still ok. My batteries are super old and have been nursing them by; i am now hoping that the batteries will help. I would think with the amount of draw by the glow plugs during operation that it may not allow for starter operation on poor batteries. Will the glow plugs remain powered until temp is reached or are they controlled by time. I have the new batteries which will be getting installed in an hour, will see. I have sourced the gp controller, in the event that should be next. I have let a number of small issues turn into a big one, i hope I haven't damaged the starter:(. Thanks for the input, please keep it coming.


07-08-2011, 15:11
Well new batteries, and a starter and she started. john8662 you are right about the controller, i am still having issues there. I figure the excessive engine cranking on bad batteries took out the starter, solenoid was throwing but motor dead shorted, oh well. I have a Racor filter that i will be installing this weekend; if there is any one out there (Robyn) that can shed some installation experience on this process that would be great :-) Thanks to everyone in advance.
