View Full Version : Steering shaft number...hell, I've lost count...

06-12-2011, 15:31
Just had ANOTHER steering shaft replaced. And this is AFTER the tech HEARD the noise WITH me IN the truck on a test drive. It was replaced anyway after I put up a quiet argument about how the steering wheel sounds as if it's going to fall in my lap but troubleshooting never seems to find anything. And then there's the "Are you satisfied with your service today?" scene. Should have been there. No cussing. No yelling. No loss of composure. But you'd be surprised how few words it takes to render someone speechless. They won't underestimate me again. now I bring the bad news. After I replace a cracked water sensor(my fault, but I won't get into it, I know it's my fault), I'm getting rid of it. Sorry, but this whole steering shaft issue has pushed me over the edge. Shame that only one part has ruined everything. And I'm not replacing anything until the original works as it's been promised. Sorry, but this thing has to go. Too bad, too. New brakes are fantastic and I just had BFG MT's put on for the snow.
It's been real fun with you guys, from my beginnings with my 6.2 Jimmy, to my Ebay 6.5 k3500, and on with the Duramax, you guys have been great.

06-13-2011, 13:24
I'm sorry, but a steering shaft rattle is teh straw that broke the camel's back?

This one deserves a :rolleyes:

06-13-2011, 15:39
Got to agree with Kennedy here, what is it you think your gonna drive without any issues? They are machines, they require maintenance. Sounds like you need a better mechanic not a new truck.

06-14-2011, 04:08
I'm on shaft number 3, but I'm definitely not ready for a new truck. This one is just now broken in at 92,000.

06-14-2011, 07:27
I'm sorry, but a steering shaft rattle is teh straw that broke the camel's back?

This one deserves a :rolleyes:

No. A steering shaft rattle didn't break the camel. The SIXTH steering shaft in 3.5 years and 37000 miles broke the back. And now it's rattling again after having number six replaced after the dealer admitted to hearing the last one and claimed nothing was wrong. So this is the only vehicle that makes noises like steering column is going to fall in my lap when I roll over bumps? I have 38000 on my 1.5 yr old Fusion and not a single problem yet. I'm not going back for number seven. They don't want to fix it then I'll take my chances elsewhere. Don't want to see it my way? So be it. Then you buy my truck and deal with it. I didn't pay $40000+ to visit the dealer six times for the SAME problem.

06-14-2011, 07:31
I'm on shaft number 3, but I'm definitely not ready for a new truck. This one is just now broken in at 92,000.

Maybe if I was only on number three with your miles I'd feel different. Heck, I'd probably feel different with number six at your miles. At least then I might understand why it happens.

06-14-2011, 08:08
Are you sure it was replaced?

06-14-2011, 08:21
Are you sure it was replaced?

You bring up a good point. I've checked every time and it looks to be new as the upper connection is clean and "new" looking. The bolt and tab appear brand new. In my anger the last time out I forgot to demand to see the old part. Shame on me.

06-14-2011, 08:48
The latest design shaft has taken care of my 2007 just fine. If you'd look at how this shaft is built, you'd see there is no way that anything can "fall apart" and it is just a minor annoyance.

Failing success on the latest and greatest shaft in your truck and if you truly can't live with it, I hear Toyota production is getting back online after the Quake/Tsunami....

06-14-2011, 10:30
I fixed my steering shaft problems, pretty much permanently, just by drilling and tapping the flats on the after-market replacement shaft, and dropping in about 8 little ball bearings, backed up by a really stiff little springs and set screw in each. Two years, and four trips, towing, cross-country, on the roughest roads in the U. S., and still tight.:)

I know how frustrating it can be, when you hear dealers tell you things like, "They all do that in this kind of weather." Or, "I don't hear/feel anything." It galls me big-time, too. Worse thing is when they don't give you credit for knowing anything about vehicles. Still, I'd rebuild my own steering shaft, which I did, after only one after-market replacement, and change dealers right away, before I'd go back 6 times. And, if I was still bent on driving something else, it sure wouldn't be a TuRD! I know, there's Japanese content in my GMC, and it's now Government Motors, but it still has an American name, besides, I love the dang thing.

Buy yourself a nice, used 6.0 Ford! That'll give you entertainment like the Chevy never did.

06-15-2011, 03:44
The latest design shaft has taken care of my 2007 just fine. If you'd look at how this shaft is built, you'd see there is no way that anything can "fall apart" and it is just a minor annoyance.

Failing success on the latest and greatest shaft in your truck and if you truly can't live with it, I hear Toyota production is getting back online after the Quake/Tsunami....

Wow. You told me.

06-16-2011, 15:14
Wow. You told me.

Yeah I suppose I came off as being a pr!ck, but you are being a baby.

Seriously all you have to do around here is ASK for help and you will get it. Crying and pouting about what ails you and threatening to jump ship is not the answer.

Roy W
06-17-2011, 07:53
I know this sounds like a band-aid approach, but after 3 shaft replacements I decided "what the hell" and tried the 2 inch muffler clamp on the steering column bushing. !0,000 miles later and the noise has never come back.

07-29-2011, 19:57
Hey All,

Did they replace the bushing at the base of the steering column, I know on mine, that was where all the play seemed to be. I came across the link below and part numbers on another website. So I ordered both the bushing and the new shaft, I couldn't feel any noticiable play in the intermediate shaft, but boy it was loose at that bushing. I feel on mine, replacing the bushing would have done the trick. But I replaced both parts anyway.

Want to check, just slide up under your dash and grab a hold of the joint at the base of the steering column.(were the intermediate shaft goes into the column) If its that bushing you will easily feel all the play in there, after the bushing, there was no play that I could feel.

Good luck


Part ID: 88963617 Qty: 1
Description: Steering Shaft Lower Bearing. Some vehicles may also require this bearing to complete the steering shaft change to completely eliminate the noise.
Price: 24.69
Core Charge: 0

Part ID: 19153614 Qty: 1
Description: New design intermediate steering shaft 1999-2007 Full Size Truck. This will eliminate the clunk noise in your steering wheel. This is a permanent fix with a teflon bushing inside that does not require any more grease.
Price: 57.00
Core Charge: 0