View Full Version : IP Adusting Wrench?

05-12-2004, 08:23
What do you guys use to adjust the IP? I've got a new engine and the dual t-stat manifold is sort of in the way and limiting the range of any tool I've got. I can't get enough swing and beef to move the bottom IP bolts. I've got a nice 15mm 12pt ratchet wrench with a 5 degree swing that won't hack it. I've tried to buy an official GM IP adjusting wrench from Mr. Goodwrench, but everywhere I've tried, they don't or won't deal with tools. I looked through the online Snap-On catalog with no luck.

I had the IP sort of adjusted by a GM stealer (at $255 this place was definitely in the stealer category), but the guy wouldn't go beyond minimum spec and I want to play with a little more agressive timing. Right now, the TDC offset is at -0.26. The guy that adjusted it had what sort of looked like homemade tools, so I'm wondering what I can use. Got any suggestions?

05-12-2004, 08:33
Ask the Snap on man for the GM pump tool, and th 14/15mm "S" wrench along with the 15/19mm "boomerang" wrench.

I'll try to look for part numbers later...

05-12-2004, 09:37
Thanks for the info John! If you get a chance would appreciate the numbers.

05-12-2004, 11:29
SBXM1415 S wrench

S6133 Pump tool

CXM1519 Boomerang wrench.

05-12-2004, 13:05
You the man John...THANKS!

GMC Hauler
12-27-2004, 19:43
Dows anyone know where to currently get the injection pump turning wrench at? The number John gave doesnt work anymore at the Snap On site.

The two 15mm wrenches were there, though.


[ 01-02-2005, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: GMC Hauler ]

06-15-2008, 14:29
TTT for Joe Bleaux

06-16-2008, 09:46
Journeydog - another AMG-powered motorhome here - '94 Barth Breakaway 28.:)

07-12-2008, 20:54
i made my turning tool with a die grinder and a piece of flat steel, works well and didnt take too long to make. also made my wrenches with some extra craftsman wrenches and a torch. wonder if they will exhange them :)