View Full Version : A little diesel humor

01-27-2004, 16:07
Hey guys look at this suburban!! this is a new one on me, when did GM come out with this engine??? HAHAHAHA


01-27-2004, 17:11
good find :rolleyes: ....these guys just need to "SAY NO TO DRUGS" :D

C.K. Piquup
01-28-2004, 06:35
Maybe if they retard the timing and use hi-octane it will stop being a diesel.I want a 5.3 diesel Sub.

01-28-2004, 06:50
I'd say it's a knocker in it.
My brothers has a new Yukon, it was knocking especially cold. He took it in to the dealer.
They showed him a notice from GM that said some engines will have a knock and that it was normal.