View Full Version : bluish white smoke

04-18-2011, 00:04
g'day my 6.2 1984 700r blows lots of bluish white smoke when i hit accelarator hard, then evens out. On easy accelaration no smoke, on constant speed no smoke. Have had IP rebuilt and new injectors can this be that IP turned up to much, or is this normal. I live in australia and have nothing to compare it with thanks

04-18-2011, 07:09
Bluish white smoke is a missfire or retarded condition.

You may have a bad injector or possibly more than one.

If anything, under hard acceleration you should see BLACK smoke.

Have you had the injectors rebuilt/replaced ??


04-18-2011, 09:42
Does it burn oil? If so, wonder if it could be bad oil rings.

04-18-2011, 15:10
i have had all injectors replaced with new, IP rebuilt, new timing chain as well. It starts and runs real smooth. I guess i was hoping it to be simple but maybe oil rings i thought not as should it blow smoke all the time if it was rings expensive to play with these trucks in australia but cool to drive the only one around the rest jap

04-18-2011, 15:29
yes it does use oil maybe 1lt 2000 miles i thought not excessive but only smokes under hard power would not rings make it smoke all the time. I am a back yard mechanic and not very good maybe i am in denial that its old and worn 1984 no history cant go to a wreckers for another one

04-18-2011, 18:46
yes it does use oil maybe 1lt 2000 miles
Nothing wrong with that.

04-18-2011, 19:05
Also, check your CDR valve. The CDR is very similar to a PCV valve on a gas engine and if this device has somehow failed, you might see that blue smoke.

Here's a good article that explains how to diagnose:

Are you using an engine oil made for diesels like Delo 400 or Shell Rotella?

04-18-2011, 19:53
The CDR is much overrated, as far as a "usual suspect" goes. They are 99.9% passive. They only begin to have an effect during long(er) durations of high power demands under WOT. If the problem is blow-by, the CDR is essentially inert. The only time is should begin to close (restrict crankcase vapor/gas) is when the intake vacuum exceeds crankcase pressure significantly, to prevent seal failure. Excessive crankcase pressure (blow-by) will prevent the pressure departure, and prevent CDR function. Smoke, even if it is caused by burning engine oil, during mild to moderate acceleration, is never CDR related. A plugged/collapsed intake path could cause it, but that is easy enough to correct, and still not a CDR issue.

It sounds like your timing is a bit retarded. Advance the timing mark about 1/16" and try again. Remember, the pump rotates opposite the crank.

04-19-2011, 00:47
i will try advance on the IP timing from what i have learned here undo the three bolts stand in front of truck and turn it slightly clockwise [to the right] hope it works. Thanks everyone for the help its a great site and i would be lost without it the truck has become a obsession

04-20-2011, 01:46
i turned the IP pump today, advanced 1|16 no more smoke real happy about that, was thinking maybe motor worn good for another 26 years thanks everyone for the help