View Full Version : LB7 injectors at 109,000 miles

02-18-2011, 15:42
After nine years my number came up on I-95 Monday morning coming back from Florida. The sun was coming up and I noticed a slight vapor trail out of the passenger side mirror. I looked at my oil pressure and it was down to 30 psig..... I pulled over and confirmed the classic diesel fuel mess down the side of the truck and on my flats boat. My Garmin said the nearest dealer was ~ 40 miles away in Brunswick. I decided to continue at 55 mph as long as oil pressure stayed above 20 psig. I don't know why I chose that number but that was the decision. I made it to the dealer with the oil pressure slightly above 20 psig. I had been thinking about doing the swap this summer...... The tech had experience doing the replacements and communicated his inspection results during the disassembly. No debris in the injector inlets and no corrosion on or in the high pressure lines. He drained about 25 quarts from the crankcase. I picked up the truck this morning and drove the 4 hours home. Oil pressure is 65 psig at 2000 rpm. This seems about 5 psig higher than I remember but I might be hyper sensitve to the indication following the repair. It's still 40 psig at idle. I'm dumping the engine oil right now and will refill to ensure any residual fuel is flushed out. I'm ready for another 10 years and I ain't selling this truck!