View Full Version : Fuel line fitting removal

02-13-2011, 12:10
Ok, another question this time about disconnecting the 2 fuel line fittings on the drivers side next to the glow plug controller. I need to remove these to get access to removing the valve cover gasket to replace the injectors on this side. Anyway popped the spring clips off the fittings but now can't slide the fitting off the tube end. I have but have never used the little fuel line wrench before, I place it around the tube and try and push the fitting up on it I'm guessing to release a clip? But I can't seem to get the fitting up far enough to release anything. So what is the correct way, or do I just with a mighty tug pull the fitting off the tube end? Thanks guys!

02-13-2011, 16:47
You'll need a late model fuel line tool kit. Either the expensive steel plier type, or the el-cheapo plastic sleeves (Harbor Freight, Autozone, etc.). They fit around the tubing, and the small sleeve end slips (fully) into the lock under the outer part. A little wiggle and the lines pull off.

02-18-2011, 20:36
Make sure the 1/2" tool you are using is not a transmission line tool . they are shorter and will not reach in far enough to release the 4 springs. I cut a 1/2" copper fitting down one side and wrapped around line and slid in to release the line. 1/2" plastic that came in a kit was to short..