View Full Version : red soy diesel 1.29 gal

05-09-2004, 19:36
Has any one tried running this in there trucks!
Any problems? Did fuel mpg go up or down! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Cudaaa

05-09-2004, 20:34
It is illegal. (red is off-road only)
Otherwise, I would bet is is just the same as the clear.

05-10-2004, 02:49
Yes it is the same fuel only it has red die instead of green. With you living in Neb. I don't think I would chance running it. With all the farmers that have desiel pickups I bet the DOT there stick a few tanks and check to see what you have.

In Iowa they do this all the time. I know a farmer there that put a few gallon of red in to get him to town so he could fill up. About a tank later he got stopped by the dot and they stuck the tank. Well the red die takes awhile to clear out and it cost him $1500. So you can buy a lot of green fuel fuel at and extra .30 a gallon for $1500.


05-10-2004, 04:34
Mixing is definately not the way to go. However, a hidden line with a "T" valve before the lift pump running from the 200 gallon red fuel tank in the back is a different story.

"The fuel in the back is for the skidloaders only, officer."

05-10-2004, 04:53
Just in case anyone was thinking of taking Mark seriously, remember those little bleed lines from the injectors, mating up with the return line from the injection pump, going back to the vehicle's main fuel tank. You will be sending a significant amount of RED fuel into your truck tank, unless you put a SECOND tee valve into the return line, and remember to use it.

You could also end up overflowing your tank, blowing a hose off, and leaving a red trail on the road. Makes it that much easier for the officers to track you down.

Dr. Lee :cool:

05-10-2004, 05:11
Yeah, I'd be in jail for sure...

05-10-2004, 08:32
The green soy how well does it work any problems with this fuel in our 6.5 trucks! Thanks for the help cudaaa

05-10-2004, 11:27
I have been using it for about 9 months and the truck runs much better. 2% soy has about the same lubrication as the old high sulfure diesel. At least thats what my co-op man ells me.

I really notie a big improvement in the VW TDI.


Wheat Whacker
05-11-2004, 17:17
I run soy whenever possible it seems to run a little better on it. As for the service tank in the back with "skidsteer" fuel in it even with the t's in the system some law enforcement have gotten wise to this and in some case will pull a sample from the fuel filter to see what is actually in there. I know a couple people who have been nabbed this way.

05-11-2004, 17:46
I have heard of the fuel filter being pulled in CA.
One time the story went around about a ranch hand who got stopped and nailed. Then he called the boss who came storming in with his truck and was promptly fined as well. But I have also heard of people running nothing but red for years. My secret as to where.

05-11-2004, 18:42
Thanks for the help! Cudaaa

05-11-2004, 18:44
I know a guy with a F-350 that runs red, but one day he will get caught, its just a matter of when. Yes the amount $$$$$ of a fine, could pay for a lot of fuel.
Try McDonalds, :rolleyes: They don't put red dye in the french fries. :D

08-01-2004, 13:24
Where does one come by this green soy fuel? Is it available in the northwest?

08-01-2004, 17:44
years ago a friend of mine was painting storage tanks for the local fuel depot and while there took a gallon jug of fuel dye,i wish i would have kept it ,it took something like 2 oz for 5000 gallons.

08-01-2004, 21:05

A list of biodiesel retailers can be found at this link: http://www.biodiesel.org/buyingbiodiesel/retailfuelingsites/showstate.asp?st=WA

In Seattle, Dr Dan in Ballard http://www.fuelwerks.com sells to the local VW TDI crowd. I looked into it as I thought I would try my part to be more environmentally correct, but at over $3.10 a gallon a few months ago, my pocketbook wasn't ready to help out.


08-03-2004, 12:25
Thanks, Perry. I wasn't sure if this was biodiesel or not. I found a Chevron station in Bellevue that sells it, too, but I had exactly the same reaction to the price (about $3.50/gal for 100% bio) that you did.