View Full Version : Wolfy
12-12-2010, 09:53
I know it's not vehicle related, just thought I'd share a few pictures.
We had a nature kid prowling around work for a few days. A lone wolf and not scared of people. We heard rumours that people were feeding it in camp, no wonder it was hanging around.
I bet if someone was brave/stupid they could have petted this wolf, but all I did was snap a few pictures. Yell at it all you want, it would stop and sit down and look at you.
The second picture was from about 5 or 6 feet away with a bit of zoom. I was sitting in the truck though.
12-12-2010, 11:03
Nice pics!
Better get that one under control. Run it off, or whatever you have to do, or it will end up being destroyed. We have a very similar problem around here with bears, and it never ends pretty. We used to relocate them, but they just became someone else's problem. Being "one with nature" is a fine notion, but befriending (feeding, domesticating) a wild creature rarely ends happy. Incidentally, the common instigators are those most fond of granola and embracing bark-clad verticals. Unfortunately, they are never around when the dirty deed needs done. Poke a stick in a hornet's nest, then leave before the buzzing begins. That's what they do, unless there's a protest involved.
12-12-2010, 12:13
Unfortunately for the wolf, it has been dealt with already. The outcome wasn't positive for the wolf either.
It's unfortunate, because it isn't really the wolf's fault people were leaving food for it.
12-12-2010, 12:32
Sad to hear that. And yes, it is NEVER the animal's fault. They only do what comes naturally, to them. Only we can change their nature. More harm has been done in the name of "conservation and preservation", than not. Unfortunately, dead animals buy votes.
Very sad when folks go feeding the not so friendly wild animals.
A wolf is never a good neighbor and having one lurking around where people are is just trouble brewing.
Sad to hear that this ended badly.
I agree, the granola muncher/vertical bark clad object worshipers are always the ones that want to save everything no matter what the cost, even if it means killing twice as much.
Just like the idiots that want to save the forest, so they ban all vehicles.
The forest then becomes overgrown with brush and deadfall to the point that when a fire does break out, the entire forest is lost.
I have watched that very thing happen here. The nature freeks would scream to high heaven when they wanted to clean the forest.
That very forest is totally gone now and will take 100's of years to get back to where it was.
The act of saving things often results in the destruction of what was supposed to be saved.
Yup, stir up the bee nest and then split.
Great piccy's of the Wolf though
Thanks for sharing.
12-14-2010, 02:03
How sad such a beautiful animal was destroyed. I never understand why the bark lovers can't get it through their head that if they want wild animals then they need to let them be wild. I would never let a wolf or bear that was not afraid of people hang around my place. Few people understand how powerful they are and how quickly they can hurt or kill you if they decide to do that.
We had a dummy next door that kept a very large mountain lion on a chain at his front door. Got loose and showed up in the neighbors yard with small children playing. Nothing bad happened, but the next week the lion was shipped out.
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