View Full Version : Hard starting due to very quick glow plug time?

Big Red Suburban
08-31-2004, 14:55
I first noticed this on my way home from Chicago, we stopped at a McDonalds for lunch and when we left I had to crank it for a good 5 or 6 secs before it started. The engine was still hot. No further problems until this morning, it took three tries to start it. The glow plug light just flashes on for less than a second then it turns off.

Could this be caused by a loose connection somewhere?

08-31-2004, 19:01
Find the coolant sensor located in the coolant crossover pipe. Unplug the sensor then start the truck.

09-01-2004, 06:00
Its the McDonald's food. Don't stop there and the problem will go away.

Seriously - my trucks do the same if shut off too hot. Haven't come up with a solution, but usually is an indication that it would have been better to leave the truck running with the A/C off. I open the hood and leave idling at fuel stops if the temps are 80 or better.

Big Red Suburban
09-01-2004, 06:10
The second time it happened was first thing in the morning, cold engine. Today it started fine, light was on for a good 5 secs. It's an intermittent problem.

Hearing the idea of disconnecting the temp sensor to ensure long glow plug time, could someone splice a switch into one of those wires such that you could open the circuit from in the cab? This would be a good way of getting the full glow time during the winter? Then close the switch before cranking the engine so the timing isn't over adjusted?

09-01-2004, 06:15
Sounds like it might be time for a new glow plug controller.


Hey - just noticed your home city. Do you happen to know of the Ray Majerus family? They farm between Falls City and Rulo.

Big Red Suburban
09-01-2004, 06:18
I don't, but I'm sure my wife's side of the family would, they know about everyone down here.

09-01-2004, 06:21
Nice country. I used to visit back them in the '80s. Went to mass at the little Catholic church in Rulo, and drank a few beers at some bar there...can't remember the name now.

Big Red Suburban
09-01-2004, 06:31
Small world huh? I sure they would know them, all of our relatives farm here around falls city all the way over to just east of Rulo (on the other side of the Missouri river). I'll even bet my mother-in-law delivers their mail.

09-03-2004, 06:45
I have been having the same problem, mine is the connector for the glow plug relay, had the wife turn on the key and i wiggled the harness to find it, it would turn on and off.

09-03-2004, 09:48
Good Day!

Corrections requested please, but I think your 95's PCM is the glow plug controller. The box the big glow plug wires go to is just a relay, isn't it?

If this is so, you might want to look into the coolant temp sensor idea - if the 'puter thinks the motor's hot enough to have really short glow times, it will affect other things too, methinks. Again, if memory serves (& it frequently doesn't), there are two temp sensors on our trucks: one for the PCM, the other for the gauge.


Brian Johnson, #5044

09-04-2004, 07:28
your right moondoggie there are two sensors on my 94 i assume the same for a 95