View Full Version : Statistically Speaking

11-18-2010, 18:50
As I get farther along in my project, I consider what has been done before by others and how successful it was. The original project truck really got me going down this path for two reasons: 1) it added tremendous power to the truck and 2) the project truck has stood the test of time and proved that the improvements made a real difference and were durable.

Having said that, where is the project truck now and how many miles does it have on it and how is it holding up ect?

Same question for the Schoolcraft suburban?

It has come to my mind that these projects were partly successful because of meticulous care in balance and timing so that destructive forces have been kept at bay.

I doubt that great numbers of Fluidampers or timing gears were ever put in 6.5 TD mostly because of cost. I'm sure the numbers installed were only a fraction of the 6.5 TD brought to market. But, how many were actually installed and how did these engines hold up over time? How many of them went through the destructive cracking and crank failures?

Is there any way to know that? How many have ever been reported as failures and for what reason(s) if known?