View Full Version : help with my blazer

10-24-2010, 13:23
Hey all, Im Jason

I have been lurking for a little while now because I just recently bought myself a '83 GMC Jimmy with the 6.2 in it.

The K5 is in pretty good shape over all, with a little rust in the wheel wells, and a few spots around the body. I got a really good deal on it so no problems there and definitely money well spent in my opinion.

So everything was running great for a while, but I noticed that when I got low on fuel I would get a little erratic idle situations, like when id take my foot off the gas, sometimes the engine would surge a little. It seemed to go away for the most part when I put my foot on the gas. No problem Id just keep more gas in it.

Then I decided to make the jump over to BioDiesel. I put some B99 in the tank one day and just kept on cruising. No problems at all, and the exhaust smelled way better.
I am aware that I need to be changing my fuel filter ASAP, and that is to been done on the next sunny day.

And that leads me to why Im writing this.
I went out to start my truck the other morning and the glow plug wait light did not come on, and I tried to turn it over anyway, and it turns over no problem. I was checking around, and have kind of concluded I just need to change my glow plug regulator. Does this sound correct?

Any info you guys can give me would be great. Im new to diesels but am pretty mechanically inclined, so Im still getting used to some of the differences. Thanks in advance.

10-26-2010, 06:40


I am only a few miles south of you near Newberg

The issue with the glow plugs is probably the glow plug controller.

The 83 will have a two (2) part system.

On the LH rear of the engine (top) and slightly to the Right of the LH Valve cover is a round device with a plug in on top.

This is the controller. The other part is a relay on the LH fender right below hood level.

The relay could have given up or the controller.

The controllers are the usual cuplrit in rigs with this setup.

The controller screws into the little bracket. Just squeeze the plug that is on top of the controller (has little marks/bumps/ribs where you squeeze) Lift the plug up and off the controller.

Use a suitable wrench to remove the controller from the bracket and replace it.

The relay on the fender looks just like a Ford starter relay.

To check the relay you can jumper the ++ terminal to the control terminal
(small one) and the relay should click and the dash light should come on.

If this does not happen then the relay is bad.

This system has the advantage of being easy to get the rig going with little more than a screwdriver to jump the connections.

Check this out and keep us posted


10-27-2010, 20:25
Thanks for the help Robyn. I did see that you are in Newberg, thats good to know.