View Full Version : Tailgate strap replacements?

10-18-2010, 16:07
Back in the day....tailgates were supported with a solid linkage instead of the current cable supports. Does anybody know if there is an after-market supplier for this style of tailgate support? Everytime I put weight on the tailgate I think the cables are going to break because I can't see the cable condition under the cable coating. Thanx!

10-18-2010, 18:27
V-R Straps, I think was the name of them. Try a search. I haven't seen them around for a while.

The original cables on early trucks were recalled and replaced (galvanized steel, and they rusted until they failed). The latest cables are stainless steel, and I haven't heard of any of them failing. Check with your dealer. If yours haven't been replaced, they'll do it on their nickel to satisfy the recall.

10-19-2010, 16:39
Eric has them on his site ..


I have one of the original sets made by member Victory Red on my 03 .. still going strong..
http://thumb8.webshots.net/s/thumb1/2/16/9/121921609GFjdHG_th.jpg (http://rides.webshots.com/photo/1121921609033933568GFjdHG)
(click to enlarge)