View Full Version : Normal EGT level stock lb7

10-03-2010, 11:07
Hey guys, Im new to forum and have a few question's about my truck. When i got done installing my lift I did the intake horn mod for my LB7. After doing this my EGT are high. This is on a stock setup. Pulling a 2,000 Pound trailer my EGT go up 1200. When Im on the highway doing 65 they are around 850 and up. Anything i can look for or is my truck just have a hard time pulling because of the weight of my lift and ranch hand bumper. thanks

More Power
10-03-2010, 13:55
Cruising EGT is more about wind drag than weight, though weight does play a part. A vehicle lift increases wind drag. The amount of wind drag is highly dependent on vehicle speed. Slow down, and EGTs should also drop. Also, day to day differences in EGT can be caused by wind direction and other variable factors - so check it over a few days of driving to help determine whether this is a more permanent increase in EGT.


Mark Rinker
10-03-2010, 15:12
Those numbers sound about right to me. The Duramax was designed to be capable of tolerating 1400F nominal EGTs - although I wouldn't recommend it.

I rountinely have set the cruise control with a heavy, wind resistant load at whatever ground speed would keep me at or slightly under 1200F (pre-turbo) and run long distances - day after day, from coast to coast with average EGTs like this.

Believe me, they can take the heat! ;)