View Full Version : Injector Replacements-Again

09-21-2010, 06:22
I'm sitting at a campground in Virginia, while my 2002 was towed to a shop 12 miles away. The truck was blowing fuel into the crankcase & out the overflow (what a mess!) & it was recommended by the local Chevy dealer that all injectors be replaced at a cost of $5 big ones. Thay said GM will not recommend replacing individual injectors.
My injectors were replaced at 66k, under warranty in 2005. Now only 46,000 miles later I'm looking a a $5,000 bill.
Here's my question.....has anyone had any luck getting GM to kick in for all or any part of the replacement bill?
I actually got more miles out or the origional "Problem" injectors than I have from the replacements. 46,000 miles is pretty poor for injector life.
I've got a call in to GM customer service & I'm waiting for a call back. Any advice or contacts at GM would be appreciated..........Thanks, Ron C.

09-21-2010, 09:30
GM's participation seems to be based more on dealer input than anything.

My recommendations:

1) Replace all 8 high psi lines with new ones
2) Use only genuine Bosch remans
3) Add a lift pump
4) Add a secondary filter
5) Use a quality additive

We can help with all of the above. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

09-21-2010, 18:58
i have a 2001 i bought used and had to have injectors last year - no warranty time left. i did a lot of shopping around and i got them for $169 each. a local (small) gm dealer was willing to do the installation for me with my own parts, so i ended up at about 1/2 of your cost estimate. there were still some seals & small parts not included with the rebuilt injectors, and then about 10 hours or so of labor if i remember. i can't say as to whether my rebuilt injectors are better/worse/equal in quality to someone else's, but so far they are working fine. i didn't want the gm ones because they are $350 each and don't have any better warranty - they are still rebuilds that require the core return.

09-22-2010, 11:10

Your story sounds quite familiar to ours. We put around 50k on our supposedly replaced injectors from GM installed under warranty before it started smoking like a chimney. I opted to follow Kennedy's advice and replace all the high pressure lines and I was not sorry after seeing all the crud that gets built up inside the flare openings. I did the job myself and bought the injectors, high pressure lines and new seals from Kennedy. After seeing the job that the dealer did on our truck I really wonder if they replaced the injectors like they said they did. The main thing I would do is have someone that you TRUST do the work (if you can't do it yourself) as there are many details that matter. One of them being very picky with cleanliness and cleaning off the old gasket material. I think a lot of the dealer mechanics (not all of them) don't have the time to be as careful as they should be due to not getting paid enough for the warranty jobs. Just my two cents :-)