View Full Version : What's better: controlling the glow plugs manually or stock?

09-16-2010, 04:13

another wiring question:

as I got a fancy nos harness I am able to rewire my truck completely new, so new switches and relays and stuff but I do not quite know if I just should go
and get me a manual gp setup.

I already installed a set of new 60Gs and really think about keeping it simple & operate the glow plugs manually!

PS as far as I got it I just have to override the stock glow plug relay but I'm not quite sure yet?

Thanks again and greetings


09-16-2010, 20:04
While your mileage may vary this is my opinion,

As long as your truck is converted or using the late model Glow Plug Controller, I personally would keep the factory system in place with a manual override for extended glow times, This can be done several ways but the unless you completely remove the glow plug controller and use a starter solenoid a manual only system is going to be no more reliable then the factory system and it is one more thing you have to do to start the truck.

09-22-2010, 00:28
Hey Chevytuff,

thanks a lot for your help. I already made a plan how I'm gonna do it:

I'm gonna keep the stock setup and add a manual gp override to be safe in case the stock setup fails someday ;) & to prevent bad starting in very cold weather

Thanks again and greetings
