View Full Version : Driving along fine -- then nada.

07-27-2010, 18:17
Been a while since I've been here. My truck's been good to me. I got a new flatdeck for it -- isn't it pretty? :)

OK. So I've got a PMD on order. I didn't go for the remote kit because these people all want you to pay $500 - $600 for a longer harness and a piece of aluminum! We already moved my PMD away from the pump, but it's still close to the engine -- just above the block (found a handy place to put our own alumimum mounting pad). This time, we're going to put a longer harness on and put it on the firewall or fender or somewhere else. It still gets pretty hot where it is.

But, in case it's NOT the PMD... here's the scoop...

Driving along just as normal as could be, at any speed, highway or in town then all of a sudden, just nothing. nada. Like someone turned my truck off. No hesitation, no power loss, no gauges, no symptoms. Starts up just fine, except today I had to try three times before she'd go.

We replaced the PMD about 3 months ago, but I think it was a used one from my old pump.

07-28-2010, 05:13
Remote mount with cooler is only way to go. I tryed same as you and went to remote mount. PMDCable has good set up with DTECH, standyne is crap, went through 3 in amout same number of years. I mounted mine in bumper, behind lic. plate. I also have a spare set up (Kennedy w/ Dtech) in front of drivers side battery. I had couple extension cables from edam, but both were crapout connections.

07-28-2010, 06:58
Spot on

The DTECH PMD was designed to operate under a higher temp condition.

Get the PMD down out of the heat to a cooler place with airflow.

The symptoms you describe are classic PMD failure.


07-28-2010, 19:04
A little wire, some solder, some heat shrink tubing and you can grow your harnes as long as you need it.

07-28-2010, 20:29
Well, good news is FOR SURE it's GOTTA be the PMD because today she completely quit, then classic: start, run for 5 seconds, quit, repeat ad nauseum. Also confirmed with MDH that the current PMD is a used one :/

Other good news is that Diesel Care & Performance sells an extension harness for only $38! Plus I will, despite a remote setup, order another PMD and keep it in my emergency box.

Nut: We previously extended the harness ourselves too, but I figured the $38 is well spent for a 6' length of cabling.

Artworks: We were thinking of behind the bumper as well -- great minds?!