View Full Version : To do list

07-21-2010, 04:14
Just bought a 2001 with 250K miles, prevoius owner said he maintained it well but I would still like to do all the basics.

Change oil
Change tranny oil and filter
Change rear end fluid
Change air filter

Any other odds and ends I should do?

07-21-2010, 09:39
Change transfer case (ATF)
Change fuel filter
Change both front and rear differentials.
Test the batteries.
check the coolant.
The usual belt and hoses.
Add auxillary filtration/lift pump (this year is notorious for injector probs, this helps)?

From your other post. I've heard the Duramax is a 200k mile engine. BUT, there are alot of them out there with way over that! There is a thread on here called "high mileage contest". Check it out and you will see 250k is'nt all that much!

Enjoy the "beater", it may become your favorite!

07-21-2010, 09:41
oh, and being an Amsoil dealer, I would reccomend all synthetics! Might as well spend a few extra $ for piece of mind!