View Full Version : 1998 Used Truck Question

12-30-2004, 15:55
Hey all I have been out of the loop for a while and need some info. I am looking at a 1998 Crew Cab dually with 98,000 miles on it. Some time back I remeber reading about the blocks developing cracks in 1997 & 1998 due to oil cooling jets.Are the cracks more prone to happen on high mileage engines or overworked engines or what? This truck that I am looking at looks very good but I don`t want to buy it if there is a chance I would have to replace the engine right away. Any advice would be appreciated . Thanks Davis

12-30-2004, 16:51
I don't believe that there is enough data to correlate block failure with type of use.

There is a stud girdle kit that is designed to prevent cracking. Maybe you could pay to have the pan dropped and inspect the bottom end - just like a home inspection before closing.

If all is good, the deal would be done and you could even install the stud girdle at that time.

01-01-2005, 13:25
Thanks for the reply Mark. I have also found a 2000 GMC with 138,000 miles on it. Does the 1999 and 2000 year trucks have the block cracks or is it the 1997 and 1998 only.Thanks Davis

01-01-2005, 17:54
I am not sure when the improved blocks were used, but I have an early 99 suburban that cracked. Run a search and you will find pictures illustrating the key differences and identifying castings between styles.

01-02-2005, 13:33
Thanks for the response. How did you know it was cracked ? Did the engine seize up or what were the symptoms ? Thanks Davis

Keith Richards
01-02-2005, 20:16
It seems like total luck of the draw.Mine is a 98 and has ran very nicely through all kinds of use.It seems to have happened to a lot of people on this forum but im sure the chances are better than 50/50 that it wont crack.That doesnt sound very reassuring :eek:

01-02-2005, 20:56
It started consuming anti-freeze. Originally, I thought it was a head gasket. With the drivers side head off, I decided to pull it out and do a quick rebuild/clean up. With the crankshaft out, I saw a crack that extended from the journal up, thru and including, the main web and #1 cylinder bore. By the way, this was at 150K miles. The truck is mint and I could not see trading it in, with what they offered, and have almost finished the refurbishment.