View Full Version : We WIN!!! (sort of)

04-26-2005, 13:01
Score another victory for the forces of goodnes and light...

The DieselDoctor site has given Steaksauce the boot! :D The admin there finally realized that all his crap was dragging down the rep of his board.

I know he wont go away, but now there is one less forum for him to spout his crap.


Marty Lau
04-26-2005, 14:31
All Gods Children said.....AMEN!!!!! :D

04-26-2005, 14:58
It was not a decision they finally came to. i contacted them several weeks back and Dave, their admin, told me that they simply didn't have any way to block him. they have implemented a "banned list" but I don't know how effective it'll be against someone with infinite personalities...

We can hope.

Where's the next battle front? :D

04-26-2005, 15:47
I hope if someone finds it they let me know. :D

04-26-2005, 17:17
Good work boys,

Very entertaining.

Marty Lau
04-28-2005, 13:00
Originally posted by Joey D:
I hope if someone finds it they let me know. :D GM-Trucks.com they aobut banned him last year but he's back.



I "reported" him to the moderator also.
You can't bash a member there you will be warned and then booted, so be cool.

05-02-2005, 06:09
The DieselDoctor Forum is currently off line. Wonder if our "friend" had anything to do with it?

05-02-2005, 06:32
Originally posted by JohnC:
The DieselDoctor Forum is currently off line. Wonder if our "friend" had anything to do with it? No, David, the forum owner is updating to a better BB software package.


Turbine Doc
05-02-2005, 16:42
16 ga,

Since he isn't mod at that site and can't block me like he did at DD site I added some words to the cause there as well