View Full Version : Cranking but not firing up.

05-16-2010, 18:49
Ok guys I'm back again. My 02 has developed a problem at 230,000 miles. Friday afternoon she stalled out (while pulling out of the shop) and wouldn't fire back up. I assumed the fuel filter so I changed it out. Took about three long cranks and she finally did fired back up. No problem all day Saturday while working out of town. Today again, no issues until I went to fire up the truck after being out earlier in the day. Now I'm back to the same no start issue. Any idea on what it might be? Crank postion sensor was replaced awhile ago but it doesn't seem to be acting the same as when it went out before.


05-17-2010, 07:18
Did you try bleeding the filter and pumping the pressure up? Could be as simple as an air leak...

Mark Rinker
05-17-2010, 08:01
Either no compression (unlikely) or no fuel. Great thing about these diesels...pretty simple.

If the fuel supply problem is not mechanical (filter or air issue from fuel supply system) then it must be electrical, affecting the fuel pressure/control systems.

If you end up here, I'd investigate all fuses for the ECM and IP under the hood where dirt, moisture, rodents, etc. can lead to bad connections. (I had a mouse make residence in the underhood fusebox, its pee corroded fuse tabs...) Compressed air can be used to blow out the underhood fusebox when dirty, followed by electric spray cleaner and/or dielectric grease on individual fuse tabs.

If the problem still persists, try the ECM connections and two main engine harness connections, using electric spray cleaner and a light coating of dielectric grease.

05-17-2010, 11:22
Thanks for the advise guys. I'll post what I find.


05-17-2010, 12:25
Ok guys, I think I found the problem. Looks like fuel is leaking from the front of the motor ( injection pump? ) from a weep hole. How hard of a fix is this?


05-17-2010, 18:10
Gawd, it sucks to rely on anybody else to smell. (That is correct, I have no sence of smell) grrr. Anyway, turns out I found my coolant leak instead. Still have this no-start issue to resolve. Pumped up the pressure again at the filter and got it to start. Went out just a little while ago and she fired right up. We'll see how see acts in the morning.

05-17-2010, 18:55
...Pumped up the pressure again at the filter and got it to start...

Sounds like you have a leak on the suction side of the filter.

Mark Rinker
05-18-2010, 05:39
>>> Gawd, it sucks to rely on anybody else to smell. (That is correct, I have no sence of smell) grrr. >>>

GUY1 to GUY2: " Nice dog, where did you get him? "
GUY2: " Dog pound - he was abandoned. "
GUY1: " Lucky him! Say, whats wrong with his muzzle? "
GUY2: " He hasn't a nose. "
GUY1: " No kidding...wow...how does he smell? "
GUY2: " Terrible. "


01-05-2011, 17:07
well odly enough I just went thrue the same thing,I had a shop work on my 02 and they came up with all kinds of crazy stuff. So after I got my truck home I started trubble shooting my self and research on my own and found alot of info here and a freind that works for gmc...first check your filter...there was another bad batch of after market filters that would leak around the o-ring seal...next check glow plugs for current....now this is the awfull sin but take your air cleaner off, spray some wd-40 and just a puff of either in the air intake,pump up your primer and see if she will crank...time the revolutions it takes to start....if it seems more then for start thinking of injectors...I replaced all 8 on mine and now it starts like a champ and runs great at 175,960 miles....the whole fuel system relies on sound injectors to keep the fuel system prime, if you have bad injectors they will leak across the return and you lose you rail pressure and you have issues starting the truck