View Full Version : Bitten by the PMD bug

04-25-2010, 14:48
Looks like it is my time, having all of the classic symptoms happening. Can't complain, really havent had to do much to the old girl.

So which brand of replacement PMD's and cooler are the most recommended now?
Last time I looked it was the D Tech was the most popular.
The only good thing about this is that the Canadian and US dollars are just about the same now, will save me a few bucks compared to if I had to do it a few years ago;)


Burning Oil
04-26-2010, 12:01
I have the FS PMD relocate kit on sale at $299.

#9 resistor.
6' cable, Made in USA.
Heat sink.
All hardware.

Let me know.


04-27-2010, 11:06
I have a Kennedy cooler with a Stanadyne FSD mounted behind the license plate. 5 years old and so far no glitches. Don't forget the 6' extension. New D-Tech FSD in the console just waiting for the right time.