View Full Version : Diesel depot

04-07-2010, 23:21
I had ordered parts from the Diesel Depot a mounth ago, and the last time I talked to them, was last week to find out about my order. And now I can not get ahold of them through e-mail or phone. Has anyone eles here, had the same issues?

04-08-2010, 11:14
Yes, I sent back a set of pistons for a refund at the first of November. I still have not been in contact with them. I sent many emails, left many messages, and still have not heard anything back. I personally would not do business with them again. Cancel the charge on your card and order from some one you can talk to.

04-09-2010, 08:49
Thanks rogers for your input on this, I called the depot yesterday ( as i do every day ) and Jamie picked up. And i asked him, did you go on vacation or somthing, do you not know how to call your customers back. His explaintion was that he has been real busy, So he tells me that my parts have been shipped out, and when i asked for a tracking number, he told me that he will get it for me and e-mail it, guss what I have not got it yet. He told me that my parts should be at my door by Monday. The thing here is when I first started talking to Jaime at the depot he always called me back or e-mailed me, and now that i dropped over $3,000 on parts, i don't here from him. I am not trying to bad mouth the guy, but it has been over a week trying to get ahold of them, and my order was placed a month ago, even the voice box on the phone at the depot was full, so what dose that tell you. Sorry to here about your issues with them, that is not right what they are doing with you. If none of my parts show up by the end of next week, i already talked to my bank, and they are going to go after the money.