View Full Version : Following her own advice

03-24-2010, 19:52
Many times I sit here at the puter and read posts about engine missing and other nasty stuff.

Today I ran DaHooooley about 200 miles. Pulled off the freeway and then made a RH turn onto a street and the engine started missing and crapping.

This was a transient thing and went away in a short time.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm Now what, I am thinking. I ran the truck a while longer and it would not do it again.

Tried running back to where I had been (part way) and driving back through the same area again, yup, after a fairly long decel and then the RH turn, more missing and crapping.

3/4 tank of fuel so no issues.

Now the 6.5 runs a lot of fuel through the IP and back to the tank to cool the injection pump.

Sooooooo I was thinking that it just might be an issue with the tank pickup leaking air some place.

OK before spending $242.00 for a new sending unit/pickup tube I will just check the filter.

The filter is a 2 micron Racor with a spin on cartridge.

So I just happen to have a spare in the shop.

Removed the old cartridge and drained it.

OMG the black crap and other garbage including water that came out was nasty.

Screwed on a the fresh cartridge and tuned on the lift pump to purge the air out through the feed line after unhooking from the IP.

Took a few seconds and the fresh green fuel is flowing nicely from the hose into my little can.

Varooooooom Rattle ratttttttttle ratttttle.

Truck seeems to run just fine.

Moral of the story, always suspect the fuel filter.

Mine had been on the rig for quite some time plus having sat all last summer while I built the new engine.

Sat most all winter too cause I did not put plates back on the truck until recently.

A 2 mic filter will catch way more crap than the little stock clod sifter ever thought of.

Hopefully this is all that was needed.

Truck ran fine back to town this eavening so we shall see.


03-25-2010, 09:46
Wouldn't hurt to throw a can of Biocide in the tank, maybe some little nasties are growing in there?

03-25-2010, 14:23
Soon as the weather warms up a dries a little I am going to drop the tank out and completely clean and dry it out.

I found a place online that sells the pickup tube sender assemblies for $80 to my door.

While the tank is down I can see whats in there and then if need be do whatever is needed to make this area top flight again.

Looked over the old filter this morning and it was just nasty inside.
Sloshed it around and then let the stuff settle into the bowl. :eek:

Black yucky stuff and water too.

There is a lot of crap that comes from the best of fuel suppliers.

I buy from one certain cardlock company and their stations are very well maintained and the pumps all have hydroscorbic filters on each pump.

Not sure what micron rating they are.

I am using a 2 mic filter on the truck so Its getting the real small crap for sure.

Cleaning the tank well will certainly help a bunch to assure a good start on things.

A 95 rig thats been down the road from New Mexico to who knows where has had a grand chance to haver collected loads of crap in the tank.


03-29-2010, 08:06
Back last August when the 95 body was redone I replaced the sender unit on top of the tank. Looked inside the tank while the sender was off and it looked good in there.

Couple weeks ago I changed the fuel filter, and didn't look that bad.

I get fuel only at a couple stations in the area, and they seem to have good fuel all the time.

Good idea to drop your tank and clean er out good...who knows what's been put in there b4 you owned the truck!