View Full Version : Starter problem broke the engine block

02-26-2010, 06:02
To start, its a 94 GMC 2500 diesel

Anyone who knows the 6.5 diesel has probably heard of the bracket that holds the tail end of the starter so the starter doesn't bounce around and break starter bolts. well I couldn't find the bolt to hold it to the block, and I was waiting til it warmed up to replace it http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/images/smilies/shaking.gif

Well this morning after my PT test (I'm in the Air force, and thankfully this didn't happen before it) my starter starts grinding like I broke a bolt. Take off the slave cylinder, take off the bolts, and a good chunk of my engine block comes off with it... http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/images/smilies/eek.gif

what do I do now? I can't drill and re-tap air, half of the original bolt hole is laying underneath my front tire. To complicate things, my other dodge diesel wheeler/dd is missing a transmission, so i need to get this done quick.

02-26-2010, 07:38
I bought a used 6.2L from a salvage yard one time, and during the rebuild process discovered that the outer starter bolt hole had broken off like you described. The engine shop was able to weld up a new "ear" and then I used a longer bolt with nut.

The block CAN be welded up and repaired, but I don't know if it can be done in the vehicle or not?? I would start checking with welding shops to see who has the ability and equipment to make that kind of repair.


02-26-2010, 08:03
I have machined a couple of these and done a nice repair but, the engine has to be out of the truck and the block on the mill table.

No real way to fix it in the truck that I know of.