View Full Version : Lucky Max "Stuff"

02-16-2010, 07:33
Please pardon my ignorance but I have (2) 6.2's in my boat and have some work going on with them right now. I've joined your group (long term) to learn more about these engines to ensure a couple of things. Reliability of course is equally important in the Marine Forum but in this type of application where certain modifications have been made to the engines, I want to make sure that I'm not doing anything "wrong".
So the first question I guess is am I in the right place on the website?
(You've probably already recognized that I'm not the sharpest tool in the world of Internet).
Thanks for your time.

Steve Burt
East Petpeswick, Nova Scotia
31’ Sport Cruiser
“Lucky Max”

Mikey von
02-16-2010, 09:33
Welcome to the forum, I by no-means have any authority, but I say you are in the right place to get help and gain knowledge in the world of 6.2's.

What kind of boat?

What modifications are you thinking about doing?