View Full Version : Hi guys & question about the AM G p400

12-09-2009, 07:36
Hi guys,

my name is Flo, I'm from Bavaria (Germany :D), you know: Octoberfest and such :) and I've got a Chevy K5 Blazer with a 1982 red block (coarse thread injectors) N/A Diesel engine.
I've owned this truck for about 8 years now and did a complete (frame-off) restoration, well and now it's time to get a new engine.
BTW: I've done some research on the internet and I'm also a member of CK5.com and some other diesel related page :confused:;) . I also used the search function of this forum so I think I've read enough to ask some questions.

Well, here they are:

1. What is the best source to get a P400 engine from? I already know peninsularengines.com and directly form GEP, but are there other recommendable reatilers?

2. I'd like to run a mechanical IP, I thinkStanadyne DB2831-4911 would be a great pump for my application, but - can the engine be run with that pump without adding a turbo? I'm thinking about adding a turbo later, but I'd like to have a N/A engine first. I think Dr. Lee runs a -4911 pump in his N/A custom 6.5l, so I think it should work on the p400 too.

3. What waterpump-setup/cooling would be best for my application?

4. Which manual would you recommend for the 6.5 diesel? I already got the 6.2 manual but maybe a newer, 6.5 (turbo) diesel manual would be better for me.

Tank you very much for your help, I'm looking forward to read your answers!


why I want a AM G. p400? Here are some reasons:

1. The Dollar is very weak, overhauling my 6.2 with good parts would cost me nearly the same as a new AM G P 400.
=> overhauling: costs $$$, you have to find a good machine shop, and after all you don't know if the result was worth the money you put in.
=> new P400: fresh out-of-factory engine, very good internal components, reliable quality

2. I want to keep the K5 for a long time, so the P400 would be a tremendous engine for many years of use.

3. The p400 surely is a great base engine for any plans concering a turbo setup.

3. Shipping to Germany is absolutely no problem, I've been working with a guy in Oklahoma who sent me tons of C/K stuff via container.

Thanks again


12-09-2009, 08:11
The P400 wasn't designed to fit in your chassis, or any civilian chassis for that matter. It's desinged to fit into an H1 Hummer chassis only.

The oil pan design of the P400 and bottom girdle won't clear the 4x4 components, and who knows what else. This is not a direct replacement engine, yet.

With that said, you'd be best off with an AMG 6.5, it's the same dimensionally as the 6.2 and other 6.5's, uses the standard pan configuration. This engine is improved over the 6.2 you have and any pre 2001 6.5L engine in circulation. You'll want a standard compression ratio 6.5 for your Blazer.

You'll have many sources for the replacement AMG 6.5. Many GM dealers have in stock, you'll want stock numbers and pictures of the block to identify that you're getting current production (not something that's been sitting for 10 years and is old production non AMG).

Check with Peninsular about a standard compression ratio (stocker) 6.5L.

About the 4911, that's a really bad idea on a non-turbo engine, you'll make the engine smoke like a tar kettle. The only reason Dr. Lee got away with it is because of his custom exhaust system, and the internal modifications done to his engine to accomodate it (porting, intake mods). I'm sure his engine still smokes some too, smoke for the most part is unacceptable (black = wasted not fully burned fuel).

You just need a 5088 or equivalent mechanical injection pump (and lines) which is a mechanical 6.5 pump that's calibrated to 170 hp.

12-09-2009, 12:50
thanks a lot for your advice!! (btw: your hot-rod 6.5l c10 is awesome!:D)

I already knew about that issue with the new bottom line of the P400 and thought about building me an oil pan/having it built (like the guy here who put the p400 in his k3500 dually)

... well, what do you think about this deal? its a 506 block, seems to be cast by navistar?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-Updated-Genuine-AM-General-6-5-6-5L-Diesel-Engine_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2556c9e9d3QQitem Z160369863123QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fA ccessories

oh, by the way, as I'm browsing through the items of the seller of the above-mentioned block: what do you think about that? As I already have a pair of NOS GM J-Code 6.2 diesel heads (the last design) Maybe I could build me a nice 6.5 consisting on one of these blocks.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/6-5-L-6-5L-Diesel-NEW-ENGINE-BLOCK-Updated-Improved_W0QQitemZ160361803393QQcmdZViewItemQQptZM otors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item25564ee e81

(but I still think that getting a new 6.5 straight from GM would be best)



12-09-2009, 21:13
thanks a lot for your advice!! (btw: your hot-rod 6.5l c10 is awesome!:D)

I already knew about that issue with the new bottom line of the P400 and thought about building me an oil pan/having it built (like the guy here who put the p400 in his k3500 dually)

... well, what do you think about this deal? its a 506 block, seems to be cast by navistar?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-Updated-Genuine-AM-General-6-5-6-5L-Diesel-Engine_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2556c9e9d3QQitem Z160369863123QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fA ccessories

oh, by the way, as I'm browsing through the items of the seller of the above-mentioned block: what do you think about that? As I already have a pair of NOS GM J-Code 6.2 diesel heads (the last design) Maybe I could build me a nice 6.5 consisting on one of these blocks.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/6-5-L-6-5L-Diesel-NEW-ENGINE-BLOCK-Updated-Improved_W0QQitemZ160361803393QQcmdZViewItemQQptZM otors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item25564ee e81

(but I still think that getting a new 6.5 straight from GM would be best)



The 506 Navistar and the AMG 6.5 are one in the same. They are the blocks that GM Dealers should have, IIRC.

12-10-2009, 05:38

so the block in the first link seems to be an optimizer. If I understand it right, the p400 = the 6.5 (known as optimizer) plus the new bottom&cast aluminum pan.

What do you think about fuel efficiency? My old 6.2 got me about 24 mpg, do you think any new 6.5 with maybe a 5088 pump could get me the same results?

Thanks again and greetings


12-10-2009, 08:22
The 1st link your provided looks to be a legit 506 AMG Block, casted by Navistar (hence the diamond logo in the valley of the block).

This is the optimizer engine, as it's called.

Check around and see if you can get a better price. That might be as good as it gets though. I haven't priced a new engine, always just rebuilt (which is a pain as you mentioned).

The fuel economy will still be in the 20's, I don't think you'll see 24 any more.

12-10-2009, 09:14
Is your blazer an 1982?
If it is,you shouldn't have any problems with the oil pan from the p400 fitting.
I know there is tons of room on my 4x4.I'd love to have the extra monies to get one.

12-10-2009, 10:01

yes, it is a 1984 K5 (4x4) fullsize blazer. It is an original diesel truck, but somehow a 1982 engine found its way into the engine compartment.

Would be great if the p400 fits withoud any mods ;-) I think it is worth the few hundred $ more.

12-16-2009, 03:58

by now, I really think the p400 should fit my truck. Checked out my parts truck with the 305 smallblock, there are tons of space, really think I can work it out somehow :D



02-03-2013, 00:27
Hi Guy
I saw your conversation.
And I have also few questions:

Will P400 engine fit to my 1986 4x4 Chevy 1 Ton Pickup 6" lifted Truck???

What is the really different between 6.5TD optimizer and 6.5TD P400???

What year months did they start production of P400???

I know that both engines come from HUMWV.

Which engine is the best: P400 or Optimizer???

I already know about oil pan issue. If not fit- that can be changed.

I also want that mechanical IP (not electronic)

I was also thinking about LQN 200HP No-EGR engine?

After I called Peninsular and spoke with Matt (- I think he is the owner). He told me so many technical information, I think I'm more confused then before...

I need your advice?