View Full Version : Turn signals---is there a way?

11-01-2009, 20:57
I've long ago shot away the ability to hear high frquencies in my right ear, and sometimes fail to hear my flasher clicking, and turn the signals off after completing a turn. I like the fact that, after a delay, the Sierra gives me a nice loud beep. Anybody know a way to jump that circuit to make the beeper active for each application of the turn signals? That would be great. All my Helm manuals are back home, so I can't research the wiring for myself.
Dick Wells:)

11-01-2009, 21:38
What you ask would require a BCM reprogram. Not difficult, but you'll have to find someone who can, and will, do it. Ask your dealership.

On the other hand, there are "hearing impaired" signal flasher modules. The module itself has a loud tone that can be heard by the deaf, long after they are dead!

In any case, whatever you do to remedy this issue will be greatly appreciated by....um.... just about everyone else:D

11-01-2009, 22:56
Here (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Indicator-buzzer-Harley-Honda-Suzuki-Yamaha-Kawasaki_W0QQitemZ320372904113QQcmdZViewItemQQptZM otors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item4a97b69 0b1) is a link to a beeper for motorcycles (read really loud) that connects across the indicator lamp wires.

11-02-2009, 13:04
You mean there are others out there who will admit to leaving their signals on long enough for the auto system to allert you? I thought that admission would be as hard to come by as finding anyone who'd admit to voting for Obama!
Thanks for the replies.

11-04-2009, 20:53
Thanks. I went to that site and looked at the drawings. Stopped over at Radio Shack today and bought a buzzer and a pair of diodes. Got the fairing off my Kawasaki KLR 650 and wired it up. I may have to put some kind of shroud around the thing, because it's rated at 108 dB at 30 cm, and talk about loud! The sound bounces off the back of the windshield and makes my ears ring. The current draw is only 150mA max., so I don't know how that thing makes so much noise. Mine is much bigger, externally than the one pictured on the add, but it's all plastic housing. About 2" in diameter.
Now I'm going to try the same thing on the GMC, but I'm kind of dreading the job of finding the correct hot leads behind the steering wheel, or under the dash. May be easier to access the hot bulb leads under the hood and use a little more wire to the buzzer in the cab. Anyhow, will check around with a VOM when I get a chance.
Dick W.:)

11-04-2009, 21:53
Why not just replace the turn signal flasher module? JC Whitney had them for about $10. For $15, you got one with an adjustable tone.

11-05-2009, 07:58
I tried that once with my 89 Blazer. Whitney sent me a flasher that was nothing like the big square one in the Blazer. I don't even know what the one in the Sierra looks like. Do you know for sure that we could get the right one from Whitney, now?
Thanks, Dick

11-05-2009, 09:24
No guarantee of getting the right part that I know of. But that applies to any mail order supplier. They have a good return policy, though. It should be as simple as counting the prongs. I did a vehicle specific search, and THIS (http://www.jcwhitney.com/TURN-SIGNAL_FLASHERS?ID=12;0;200000725+2004;0;100001;Pr oductName;0;0;0;N;2003364;0;0) is what came up. Cheaper than it used to be. Click on the "SKU Details" for 2 options.

11-05-2009, 20:04
Thanks, DMAX, I ordered it. Will let you know the results.

11-05-2009, 20:08
Great. Good luck!

If it's a flop....I was never here, and this conversation never took place....

11-08-2009, 08:13
Just gotta tell ya. I took my first ride, last night, on the KLR, since I put in that chirper. Just one more little added bit of security, to help the Old Fart get back to two-wheelin. With a helmet on, it doesn't make my ears ring. And, everybody near you knows you're there, too. Thanks for that post. I made my own, but only because I wanted it "right now". The cost was just about the same, I think.
Finally settling down and enjoying the experience, after a 30+ year absence from motorcycling. If you can ride a bike in heavy traffic, after dark, on Brownsville streets full of Kamikazi Mexican drivers, you can ride a bike anywhere! Really, they're not bad. Just have to get used to them expecting everyone to run stop lights, and cut everyone else off, etc. No hard feelings for any act of reckless abandon.
Dick Wells

11-21-2009, 08:22
Well, DM, I got the thing, and tadda, it ain't even close. My fault, too. I should have known better. I just now noticed the note on clicking the SKU site! So, I'll just send it back, and go on up to Radio Shack and get the components. Best thing is, this time I'll know what to buy and how to wire it the first time. Loving the settup on the KLR! EVERYBODY knows when I'm making a turn!