View Full Version : Underhood smoke

10-24-2009, 23:32
Hi! I've been lurking here for a while, and finally have my m1008! but, i have a problem and I was looking for advice, even though I've been reading the info here, I still don't know much about diesels.

I recently picked up an '84 m1008. The timing gears wear recently replaced as well as a few bent valves a couple of pushrods.

I was driving the truck at highway speed when the upper radiator hose ruptured and started spewing coolant. We trimmed and reattached the hose then limped to autozone where we got a new hose and some coolant.

We were back on the road and not 10 minutes latter there was a high pitched whine coming from the engine, shortly followed by a loud pop, and then black smoke. checked it out, and the cap from the radiator reservoir was missing and it was pretty empty.

Not wanting to risk further damage, i had the truck towed home this evening. Any thoughts? Is there a diesel specific type of coolant that i didn't use? did I just overfill the radiator? Overheat it? Where should I start tomorrow? Would it be ok to try to start the engine?

Any hints, tips, or suggestions are GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

10-25-2009, 00:09
Welcome to TDP

With the sound of things there may be some simple answers and there may not.

With the rig cool check to make sure there is no coolant in the oil.
(pull the stick and see if the oil is sloppy with a mixture of oil and coolant)

Refill the coolant and be sure to open the bleeder on top of the Stat housing if it has one.

Refill and run the engine.

Check to see if you are getting bubbles in the coolant tank and or pressure building in the cooling system.

If there is pressure building up then there is likely an issue with either a blown head gasket or possibly a cracked head.

Not what you wanted to hear I know but give it a look and see.

Let us know what you find and we can help from there.
