View Full Version : M1028 - which engine?

10-15-2009, 19:44
I just purchased an '84 M1028 with 12,000 miles. The data tag indicates the truck was built in July '84. Would this truck have the J engine, or the earlier C engine? Thanks in advance for your help.

10-15-2009, 20:50
All the military engines were J code.

10-16-2009, 14:39

Thanks for the reply. Do you know if there were variances in the J engines used in the M1028s between '84 and '86?

Also, I am curious to know if there is anybody out there that would build & install a twin turbo on this engine. I have had email correspondence with Peter Bierman overseas, however I would like to know if any shop here in the states would perform this service. Any help you can provide will be appreciated.