View Full Version : Fuel Gauge Woes (Dual Tanks)

10-07-2009, 16:18
Hi guys. Been having erratic fuel gauge movement for over a year, making it unable to use to judge fuel quantity.

SOmetimes it points down towards oil pressure. When I cycle key on and off it does a 360 or 2....

I have cleaned every ground under hood, and the one on the frame rail by the front tank FSU.

I have a new front FSU, and just put in a new rear FSU yesterday, thinking it would solve my problems as the old one was all rotted.

Anyhow it didn't.

I checked out the balance control module, and it passed as it should,
Pink has power, next 2 read resistance in front and rear tanks, grounding D activates transfer relay (which engages rear LP and transfers fuel) E is a ground, and it works, and F is the purple wire going to the gauge, when I ground that it should read empty but it pegs down towards my oil pressure somewhere (6 oclcock, out of gauge range)

What else could it be?

I even added another ground wire from the balance transfer module to frame. No change.

Is it possible my fuel gauge is 'off base' meaning its home position is lost?

I'm going to be keeping track of it on paper, the senders resistance values, positioning of the needle, just to make sure everything is working, and perhaps I can figure this out??

I'm out of ideas guys.

I really don't want to add an aftermarket fuel gauge.... but I will if i have to, I'll hook it up to the front tank FSU as balance module keeps them even.

Thank you Kindly.

1997 CHev 3500 Dual Tank. 130k.

10-14-2009, 16:55
Many times just having someone to bounce ideas off of is enough to find your way through a problem. Even if we don't the same model, the gauges still work the same. Lets see, If the gauge reads past the full mark on mine, that would be an indication of an open connection in the wire between the tank and gauge. Adding resistance between the two will cause the gauge to read higher. Shorting the sending unit wire to ground, will make it read lower.If I am right then that means that the sending unit(s) sensing wire is open to ground. Doesn't the tank selector switch have connections on it for the 2 sending units and the gauge? The gauge connection on the switch could be corroded.... Hope this helps.