View Full Version : New Radio, new problems, same great truck.

10-04-2009, 08:55
Guys & gals,

I have installed a new radio in my truck (sig. below) and the memory will not hold when I cycle the truck on and off. I have installed numerous radios in other vehicles and never encountered this situation.

I have triple checked the wiring, looked for faulty grounds, plugged and unplugged the wiring harness and I can only come up with one solution: The new radio is not meant to be in the old truck.

Could the ignition cycle disrupt the memory of the radio and cause the radio to wipe out the memory? I noticed the CB, air horn, and radio turn off when I engage the starter. This should not cause the radio to function improperly, just turn off and back on.

The memory line is hard wired through the firewall directly to the battery with a 5 amp in-line fuse and all the other wires (speakers, ground, remote amp, remote antena) are wired according to the diagram on the old GM AM/FM radio. What am I missing?

10-04-2009, 15:40
Until your last line, I was going to say you wired the memory to something that didn't have continuous power...

What are the conditions of your batteries? It is possible that the glow plugs and starter draw the batteries down to the point that the memory doesn't get sufficient power to maintain itself.

10-05-2009, 17:28

Draining it down, hadn't even considered that. Is it possible?

I use the manual glow plug switch when it's cool outside but never really thought it could affect/effect anything.

The radio holds the memory for about three minutes when the truck is off and then poof. Maybe Sony needs to get a phone call about that too. I just hate dealing with the manufacturer when there's such great ideas on the page...



10-05-2009, 19:36
defective radio!

10-06-2009, 06:06
I've had some quirky problems over the years with failing batteries where starting (or some other major draw) dropped the power just far enough to screw with other electronics.

But if it doesn't hold memory when the truck is off, I'd suspect a bad radio like John says. Still, odd that it would hold memory when the truck is on...

10-08-2009, 11:48
I'll take it to the radio shop I bought it from and they will tell me to go directly to Sony. I'll update accordingly.
