View Full Version : LBZ black smoke

09-26-2009, 20:05
I have a 06 LBZ 90K miles. I get the odd blacker than normal under load but today I got a lot of black smoke highway speed up hill warm engine noticed it in the rear view, inside of exhaust pipe is very black. Drives normal when it did it - only happens under load. I was getting constant EGR code issues though my Edge today (program setting one only), I have to clear those occasionally with the Air filter and 4 inch Corsa when towing - but it was doing it constantly the past two days even in town, then the smoke tonight. I set the computer back to stock mode for the drive home seemed to help but still smoke when I give it some juice – nor sure if its just build up or not.
One thing that changed is over the 40 miles back home the AGR code is no longer popping up. I did a quick poke around under the hood and everything looks fine and attached. Filter probably needs a clean but…

Suppose to do a bit of a drive on Monday - but don't want to now. Any help will be appreciated.

09-26-2009, 20:53
Sounds like the EGR valve needs cleaning, or at worst, replaced. They do that with power mods. A leaky EGR starves the combustion of O2, and reduces exhaust back pressure (makes it harder to produce boost). Both conditions can cause black smoke (more fuel than O2 to burn it).

09-26-2009, 21:32
I'll start cleaning stuff tomorrow to start thats the easiest thing to do and run some cleaning through the fuel. It happened quite suddenly though. anyone else have some hints let me know - I did a search on here but nothing helpful came up.

09-26-2009, 22:45
It's too late for a fuel additive or injector cleaner type of remedy. If the EGR is fouled, it'll have to be removed and cleaned manually, or replaced if there is valve/seat damage.

09-27-2009, 10:43
any links or hints on how to remove the EGR - I presume its the unit with the cooler attached to it on top of the engine? Looks like a lot of parts to remove to get at it.

09-27-2009, 12:28
Well, the air filter was pretty plugged - bad on me, I still have the stock air box so I pulled the True Flow unit and put the stock one back in so I could try the difference right away - went for a drive and after a couple of black smoke clouds under hard acceleration it seems to have calmed down. I have 15 miles of 6-8% grade out of town tomorrow so I think I'll drive that and see what happens before the rest of the trip. not saying that was my only issue but the intake plastic tubes and the inlet from the intercooler were black inside but not terrible and otherwise its running fine. If it doesn't change anything I'll pull the intake runner and have a look inside, man steel bolts and alumimum sure do not get along.

09-27-2009, 12:52
www.alldatadiy.com for the EGR (and any other) maintenance needs.

A plugged air filter will certainly cause everything you describe. It may take some miles/time/work to clear out the soot built up over the time. Cross your fingers and give it a go before you start turning a wrench on it.

09-27-2009, 16:47
Thanks for the link - but a pay subscription service? I thought a problem like the EGR would be well documented on the web but I guess not... I figured a run tomorrow first before I start pulling the engine apart. 4 1/2 hours on the road will let me know pretty quick. Smoke on that first hill will turn me back to get my Jeep before I get out of cell range.

09-27-2009, 17:52
The EGR system (and many others) under your hood is a bit more sophisticated than changing spark plugs on a 1973 Pinto. Many things are simple, most are not. Seals, fasteners, other components to deal with, to say the least. You could search this website, or the entire WWW, and never get a complete picture. The dealer will charge you about $100 an hour for use of their manual (comes with a technician). Or, there's www.helminc.com.

09-30-2009, 21:19
Looks like the plugged filter was it, ran fine, bumped it back up to power level 1 on the Edge 1/2 way and no smoke out of the ordinary. Pretty surprised that a plugged filter would make that much black smoke. Thanks for your help!