View Full Version : No fuel pressure

09-20-2009, 08:12
I started the engine, it ran for about 10 seconds then shut down and would not refire.
I went to the fuel inlet and cycled the ignition to listen for the fuel pump to engage from the filler neck.
I did not hear anything. I then unscrewed the fuel rail cover and pressed the schrader valve and there was no fuel pressure there either.
I then pumped the primer on top of the fuel filter and tried to restart. I discovered that if I primed the filter several times I was able to refire the engine but again for only 10 seconds until it shut down again.

Question is there a fuel pump in the fuel tank?

I figure if the engine did run after I primed the fuel filter it wasn't the fuel injector pump.

Please let me know if you think I'm headed in the right direction for diagnosis and repair.

2003 CC 2500HD DMax/Allison SB 2WD 145,000 miles

09-20-2009, 08:22
No fuel lift pump in the tank, or anywhere else. The diagnostic fuel port you checked is on the suction side of the fuel pump, and NOT the rail cap (if you open it with the engine running, it will suck in air). The fuel system is suction from the tank, to the high pressure pump.

Sounds like you have a fuel system leak. Most often, this happens after a fuel filter change. If the filter isn't sealed properly, it will suck air, and run exactly as you describe. Check the filter first (reinstall it, ensuring the top seal and WIF sensor and water drain at the bottom is sealed/closed). If it checks out, you'll have to find the leak.

09-20-2009, 08:32
I had driven the truck about a week earlier and havent changed the fuel filter in about 6 mos. I doubt the leak is from the fuel filter.

My question is there a fuel pump in the tank? I know on my gas trucks there are pumps in the tank.


09-20-2009, 08:36
I was just sitting here thinking, which at times is dangerous.

I did smell diesel fuel when I tried to start the truck and after it did run for a few seconds.

I feel like a junior detective, I guess there is a leak from somewhere, now I have to track it down. I did smell it under the hood, I'll start there.


BTW I didn't get at first there is no pump in the tank (I wasnt used to the term lift pump) .

Thanks Again

09-20-2009, 08:41
No fuel lift pump in the tank, or anywhere else......

It isn't a gasser. You have a fuel system leak, and not a small one (the engine is very tolerant of small leaks). If it doesn't leak externally when you pump up the primer (very hard, at least 50-100 pumps), the leak is likely between the filter an the tank. Check your rubber lines/connections around the filter for cracks or signs of fuel seepage. You can pressurize the fuel tank with shop air (5 PSI or less) to help locate the leak.

At any rate, check your filter anyway. Better yet, just replace it. They can loosen or begin leaking long after replacement.

09-20-2009, 17:34
Thanks for all your help, you were right it was the WIF sensor leaking. I tightened it and all is well.

I am going to replace both the filter and the sensor. The sensor is the original and all the little fins are worn away from using goose neck pliers. I have the snap-on tool for the sensor but that was aquired after I messed up the fins.

Thanks again.