View Full Version : cracked block

10-26-2003, 14:22
:confused: I am looking at buying a mid 90's 6.5 turbo 4x4.
I am conserned about the blocks and how they can crack on the outside main bolts! I there any way to tell ahead of time before you have problems?
Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks cudaaa

10-26-2003, 16:11
cuda, Unfortunatly for you, and all of us for that matter, the only way to find out if you have cracks in the main webing is by removing the pan and doing the solvent/rag test.
With the exception being a catastophic failure and then it becomes quite obvious. :mad:

10-26-2003, 20:28
Would a 100 to 150k motor be a safer bet than a 75k motor? I guess Im looking for the best odds.
Thanks again cudaaa

10-27-2003, 06:37
IIRC '94-'95 are good blocks but the mileage can be high along with some wear and tear.
'96-'97 GM experimented with the oil spray cooling for piston skirts. The holes were too big and weakened blocks. If pushed hard these failed.
'97-'98 were good. The oil spray jackets were downsized. These also might have less miles.
The biggest issue is overheating.

10-27-2003, 18:31
Charlie- how did the 92 blocks fare in this regard?

10-27-2003, 19:15
Thanks Charlie that the kind of info I was looking for! I know there are no guarantee but better odds don't hurt!!! Thanks again cudaaa

10-28-2003, 11:03
Oil spray blocks went into production in 1-14-97. The oil spray blocks all use 5/8ths oil cooler lines instead of the earlyer 1/2" . HD DBL thermostat cooling came into production sometime in the 96 production line. The oil spray holes did not get properly down sized untill sometime in 99. Good Luck