View Full Version : Deployed Marine's Family Needs Help In UT

08-03-2009, 14:37
This is my first post in a long time but it is for a good cause. My son and his family are stationed in Salt Lake City Utah as the Inspector and Instructor for a small staff that takes care of the day to day for a reserve infantry company of Marines. He went there from 29 Palms where he deployed twice with 2/7. This was his non deploying tour; didn't work out that way so he is just finishing up his 3d tour in Iraq. His wife drove his truck to make sure it was good to go for his return. It's not.

It is the injectors and since his truck is an '02 Sierra 2500 4WD and hit the 7 yr mark in April she is being told GM won't touch it, even though it only has 98k miles. Had he not been gone from home since last Fall training and then deployed he would have known prior to the warranty timeline running out. No one she has spoken to at GM seems to care. The dealership wants $4500 and a local diesel mech wants $3200. That of course wipes out the money they saved while he was deployed.
So my question is this: does anyone have a number for someone at GM with a name attached to it so his wife can call someone that might care? She called the standard 800 number she got from the dealerand got no help so that's why I'm asking here. I live in TX so I can't do the work myself and I'm not sure I could do it anyway. Any help you can provide is appreciated.



More Power
08-04-2009, 13:49
I would suggest someone (preferably the truck's owner/wife) politely ask the service manager for the contact information for GM's Regional Service manager.

I would then suggest talking to the RSM, and politely explain the problem. Be sure to say who you are and that the truck owner is a Marine currently serving in Iraq.

As you know, a lot has changed at GM during the past few months, but they have made exceptions to existing warranty policies in the past.

Let us know,


08-05-2009, 08:03
And if what Jim added doesn't work,, let me know. I've got some numbers for higher ups but will only through them out there as a last resort. Also I have some parts needed for this repair I've accumulated over the years I'd gladly send to helpout with the cost if they end up having to pay. Worst case,, haul it to me and I'll get it covered.

08-05-2009, 18:07
Worst case,, haul it to me and I'll get it covered.
Very considerate of you. One of the many reasons I like the forum here.

08-11-2009, 13:19
Thanks for the suggestions and offers to help. His wife spoke to the service mgr and in her words was told to "pound sand" that there was nothing he could do and no one's name or number he could (would) provide her to try to go up the food chain. His wife is a pretty determined savvy young woman so if anyone was going to get the service mgr to help it would be her.

On a brighter note my son got back to the US from Iraq last Thursday. He is now holding at Camp Pendleton for somewhere between 3 and 8 weeks. The truck is in UT so there is still time for GM to make this right.

It seems pretty obvious to me that had he not been deployed he would have found the injector problem before the time ran out.

Thanks for your suggestions. I'd like to get this handled for them as quickly as possible so you guys tell me how you think I should proceed. My Daughter-in-law can make phone calls and write letters, my son is limited to phone calls but has about 180 Marines to ttake care of so his time is not his own.

Thanks again,


More Power
08-11-2009, 16:06
Here's something we put together some years ago regarding resolution of a warranty service dispute. Perhaps something here will help.



08-18-2009, 19:47

My Dad is TxMax. Thanks for all of the advice that's been posted. Unfortunately, we haven't made any progress. My wife has spoken to some the head service manager at the dealership without any luck at the dealer. Since I have some spare time tomorrow I'll try contacting the RSM to see what they can do for us.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice and help. I'll keep you posted.
