View Full Version : Wal*Fart RANT!

Marty Lau
02-02-2006, 22:35
DOG GONE litagation Lawyers are going to kill this great nation. Stop at the Wal*Fart in Clovis, NM to get my oil changed and since they are about the only place that I can find Rotella
5W-40 oil reliable I figure I'll swing by and get my oil changed.
Now I'm Quail hunting and the entails guns and dogs. 2 big problems, with Wal*Fart, never mind they SELL guns, and they SELL dog food. WAL*FART policy no guns in truck durring oil change no dogs in truck durring oil change. I had it done last year but I didn't open my big flipping mouth. The store manger said he would "lock my guns up in his office" while they change the oil, I said how about leave guns behind seat in cases and no one messes with them during oil chang? No can do against WAL*FART policy and he won't vary from that. No balls or uncommon sense. I said they would set my dogs out side the shop while they change the oil because they are concerned that the dogs will get hurt in my truck in their kennel crates and they would be liable. I said they are much safer and will be use to being in their crates than on leases in the drive.

I should have bought 2 gallons of 5W-40 dropped the oil in the middle of the parking lot and left them with the friggin mess to clean up.

I will try another store and I will keep my big mouth shut about the dogs and the guns.
So boys and girls don't buy a shotgun at Wal*Fart put it in your truck or car and then try and get an oil change! :rolleyes:

Thanks for reading my rant.

02-03-2006, 01:13
Originally posted by 16ga SxS:
DOG GONE litagation Lawyers are going to kill this great nation. Stop at the Wal*Fart in Clovis, NM to get my oil changed and since they are about the only place that I can find Rotella
5W-40 oil reliable I figure I'll swing by and get my oil changed.
Now I'm Quail hunting and the entails guns and dogs. 2 big problems, with Wal*Fart, never mind they SELL guns, and they SELL dog food. WAL*FART policy no guns in truck durring oil change no dogs in truck durring oil change. I had it done last year but I didn't open my big flipping mouth. The store manger said he would "lock my guns up in his office" while they change the oil, I said how about leave guns behind seat in cases and no one messes with them during oil chang? No can do against WAL*FART policy and he won't vary from that. No balls or uncommon sense. I said they would set my dogs out side the shop while they change the oil because they are concerned that the dogs will get hurt in my truck in their kennel crates and they would be liable. I said they are much safer and will be use to being in their crates than on leases in the drive.

I should have bought 2 gallons of 5W-40 dropped the oil in the middle of the parking lot and left them with the friggin mess to clean up.

I will try another store and I will keep my big mouth shut about the dogs and the guns.
So boys and girls don't buy a shotgun at Wal*Fart put it in your truck or car and then try and get an oil change! :rolleyes:

Thanks for reading my rant.
So I don't understand what has happened to this nation, but your right lawyers can be found in every situation that causes problems like yours.

Perhaps, buying elsewhere is the answer, but where?

Anti gun fools are really anti American in the sense they are destroying traditional American ideals and values.

Some even make the claim the constitution is old and does not apply, keep in mind I'm in the biggest liberal cess pool of America "Palm Beach" where many can't even get the vote right, but know exactly how to suck at the public troft, wanting even more of your and my money to be distributed for their welfare.

I'll reserve further comment because it won't be PC.

Dvldog 8793
02-03-2006, 04:32
Not defend Wally-world... but at least they still sell guns unlike other major places. I agree that the paper-hangers have destroyed common sense in everday American activites. When I was high-school(rural Oklahoma) Guns were not allowed in the parking lot so during deer season our principle would lock them up in the school gun-safe until we were done with class! amazingt that we never had any shootings....atleats not human tongue.gif

02-03-2006, 06:36
they should have never let lawyers advertise.

That started it all.

"Hey Stupid! Did you get hurt driving drunk and try to scoop up the paper from the open door of your car as you drove up the driveway and fell out and got run over. Then call Shyster and Shyster, attorneys at law. We will fight to get you the big settlement YOU DESERVE! You might as well try to sue, you've got nothing to lose, because if we dont win, you dont pay!"
Friggen sharks, all of em!


02-03-2006, 08:43
I think some "kamicazee lib pilot" must of come up the lawyer "slip & fall category" thing we have "mr garry" around hear

Has anyone seen figure 8 school bus sposored by one of these "?"

02-03-2006, 09:36
Call the ACLU and tell them your rights are being infringed...


02-03-2006, 15:04
maybe they figure one of the minumum wage uninsured employee's will take your guns and open up on the management.better to not give them the option,as you probably have ammo, where as they would be escorted from the building before they could have it.

patrick m.
02-03-2006, 17:43
dont get me started on liberals! look just left of a liberal, and you will see a communist.

look up "the Stella awards". you will see all kinds of crazy left wing lunatic lawsuits

02-03-2006, 18:53
How bout not shopping at WallMart. They won't let union contractors bid on their work, they take out life insurance on their employees, the only "full time employee" is the manager (no benefits}, they used to advertise "American Made".......

Diesel Dan
02-04-2006, 20:23
Originally posted by a5150nut:
How bout not shopping at WallMart. They won't let union contractors bid on their work, they take out life insurance on their employees, the only "full time employee" is the manager (no benefits}, they used to advertise "American Made"....... I'll second that!
They make BILLIONS in profit and have more "full-time" employees on goverment assistance than anyone. IIRC the state of GA says that over 10,000 wal-mart employees are on state assistance, number might have been closer to 40K.

Marty Lau
02-04-2006, 21:19
Would it be nice to get on their PA system, and say the INS is here and wants to check green cards.......please form a line at the front door.

:eek: watch all the traffic out the other exits.... tongue.gif

02-05-2006, 13:39
if that happened here in my town it would be a literal stampede crushing everything in it's path

02-05-2006, 14:05
You better bet the the alarms would all go off at all of the fire exits. ;)

02-05-2006, 15:47
Add to that this statistic:

Even though Walmart does a great 'Red,White&Blue' advertising campaign...

80% of the merchandise is from China.

We are literally cutting our own jobs every time we shop there.

02-05-2006, 18:34
This is very simple: Do not, under ANY circumstances shop at Walmart. I don't and I tell everyone I meet not to. They advertise that the prices are cheap to help the average American save some money. The reality is everytime an American dollar is spent there we all lose. Boycott! It works! RT

02-05-2006, 18:55
This is very simple: Do not, under ANY circumstances shop at Walmart The best thing you can do!!!!!!!

Barry Nave
02-07-2006, 03:51
Don't get it :rolleyes:
Got time for hunting, I'll aways change my own OIL ;)