View Full Version : Locked up 6.5

06-13-2009, 19:35
I bought a 93 6.5 that is locked up (seller's words). It is complete from the flywheel to the front pulleys. I have not put it on the engine stand yet so my guestion is what do you folks that know these engines think might be wrong.

I still have not started on the 82 C10 that I got a year ago. I have built a new shop to work on it. I can't keep my son's cars and trucks running.


06-13-2009, 19:46
Might try pulling the injectors to see iff one of the cylinders is full of water or fuel.

06-14-2009, 07:24
I would just forgo the Guessing and rip the heads off then the pan and work your way into the little creature.

Once the thing stops goin round its probably not a good thing. :eek:

Good luck and keep our currious minds posted with the gory details.


06-15-2009, 16:22
I though that when I posted the question. I had hoped someone would say that 90% of the time it is ________ . Now instead I'm going to have to go to work and start pulling parts.


06-16-2009, 05:30
I agree that you should start pulling stuff apart and see what you have to work with. When I bought my 95 the seller said that it needed "minor engine work" and "ran great overall, but he didn't think the turbo was working right." Less than 200 miles later it locked up and had about 2 lbs of what looked like kitty litter in the oil pan. Long story short, I would tear into it and then at least you know what you have when you are done.

06-16-2009, 08:19
Yes indeed

Doing a complete Autopsy is the only way to be sure what you have to work with.

It could be as simple ad loose carbon on top of a piston that fell into a cylinder from an intake valve pocket.

ORRRRRRRRRRRR it could be a seized piston, bearing ?????????????//

Guessing is just not any way to figure it out.

The most likely culprits have to be anything in the rotating assembly.
Crank and bearings, Pistons etc.

Will it move at all?? or is it just tied up tight???


06-18-2009, 19:56
The plan is to mount on the engine stand this weekend. I keep you posted.


06-18-2009, 20:16
Sits in the corner with great curriosity waiting to hear?? ;)



06-19-2009, 08:07
Sits in the corner with great curiosity waiting to hear??

For some reason this gave me the image of engine overhaul spectating...

[Announcer voice]A hush falls as, starting slowly, he pulls the engine from between the framerails, checking to make sure all disconnections have been made. Good form as he quickens the pace and swings it out towards the engine stand and begins to lower it again...[/Announcer voice]


06-19-2009, 10:16

Great comment :D:):D

Gotta love it. New spectator sport. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS


06-20-2009, 09:05
Glad I could add some humor to your day.

Question is, would the announcer be the steady, quiet type like in golf or the crazy, rowdy type you find in soccer and hockey? :)

06-21-2009, 21:09
As promised my s Son and I put the $100.00 6.5 on the stand late last night. Other than a small problem with a chain coming loose(gasp from audience and LOOKOUT from me) all went as planned.
Sorry that I didn't have a truck to remove the engine from.

A picture of the engine stand made from a 2 ton truck axle.


06-21-2009, 21:32
I never thought of the spectator sport side of it but it makes good sense, the price of admission is always high for me! JEFF

07-10-2009, 18:38
Turned engine bottom side up and saw the pan pushed out over one of the bolts on the right side. Hammered pan back and removed bolts. This is what I found.
I also found a crack in 4 main on left side. Does the 1 crack junk the block?


07-10-2009, 20:45
A few years back I saw an engine-build comp on TV. 2 engine builders building identical 350's if memory serves, and man they flew! I'd be lying if I suggested how long it took, but it was minutes, not hours. They showed it real-time. I think this makes a great spectator event, especially for folks like me who don't have occasion to see an engine build very often.

Sadly, I don't remember how the commentator called it, but as a Canadian, I'd like to believe it was hockey-like!


07-10-2009, 21:01
If the crack is only in the outer bolt hole, it can be salvaged with a full torque insert from Lock and stitch.

If the crack starts at the corner of the register fit in the block its pretty much game over for that player.

The rule I use is this. If the crack is in the confines of the outer bolt hole (up and down) Its good and can be salvaged easily.

If the crack extends out of the bolt hole and into the web or on into a cylinder then no go.

Cracks the start in the corner of the register are not repairable with the insert.

I would always suggest doing inserts on all the oputer main bolts on the middle 3 mains as a preventive measure.

Is this a large bolt block??(outer bolts 12mm)

Oil squirter block?? if so there can be NO cracks through the squirt holes at all.

Cracks here are a game over circumstance and there is no fixing it.

Keep us posted


07-10-2009, 21:07
Would you please post a close up High res pix of the two breaks in the crank.

This is a great learning tool for folks.

Some pix of the block crack will help too in telling if its repairable.


07-11-2009, 17:54

I checked the cracks and they are in 2&4 outer bolt holes on the left side. I will check the other things and take pictures tomorrow.


07-12-2009, 18:14
:( This is the best that my camera will do.
I washed the main cap area with starting fluid and found a crack at the edge of # 3 cap on the right side of the motor.
