View Full Version : just a couple of questions...

06-11-2009, 09:19
Was at the dealer and they noticed a "surging" at idle. I remember hearing of some people on here having that symptom and was wondering if anyone could remind me as to what this might be or where it may be leading to?

The dealer also noticed that the tensioner was loose and slapping? He said this could be a problem when towing on my upcoming 1000 mile trip? Of course the explanation of the belt coming off because of this did not sound plausible, but who knows? What do you all think about this. they wanted $350 to replace it.

Next up was the water in fuel sensor. The wires on the bottom of it were brittle and could break. They want $150 for that repair. What happens if this goes bad or breaks? Can I fix this (I am NOT anywhere near a mechanic).

Any help or advice would be appriciated! Big trip in a couple of weeks! Can't wait. I'll be up in Mr. Rinkers neck of the woods.

Mark Rinker
06-11-2009, 09:39
1) Idle surge is probably the FPR (fuel pressure regulator) they are expensive to replace and unless the idle surge morphs into some unacceptable driveability problem, why spend the money. My 2002 surged for 100K otherwise trouble free miles.

2) I'd replace the tensioner, and the serpentine belt at the same time, if it has more cracks per inch than spec. (Or at least carry a new spare of both with you, and some wrenches.)

3) Water in fuel wires broken? All mine seem to end up breaking...no issue, not even a dash light you have to ignore. Change your fuel filter before the trip, carry a spare, and burn good quality fuel, from a high volume source. (You aren't pumping diesel out of that old barrel on the farm that has been around since the 60s, are you??? I was just home on our family farm near Beaver :D Iowa and wouldn't burn the diesel in our old tank in any modern electronically injected engine...maybe pump some into my brother-in-laws Ford...but thats another story...)

Call me if you are anywhere close to Elk River on 169 and I-94. Would be fun to meet you.

06-11-2009, 10:47
Good response, Mark. I've experience all of the above, from time to time.

The WIF sensor is passive. Disconnected, it won't be missed. In any case, it is a float, and you'd have to have a catastrophic amount of water to even wake it up. Vandalism (either your tank, or the supplier's tank) is just about the only real possibility for this. Other possibilities exist, but are too rare to consider an issue. Fuel/water issues are NOT common these last decades. Fuel quality and timely filter service is the key.

06-11-2009, 12:14
Mark, Mav, Thanks for the info. I will replace the tensioner. Just talked to a guy who said $100 and it's done. I'll check the belt before. Always with the filters, just changed the FF. Good to know about the surging and the broken wires. Don't want to be stranded on the side of the road in Northern Mn.

I would like to stop and see you Mark, but we maybe haulin right past you. Bout a 9 hour drive and I want to get there ASAP. 4 kids in the truck will be a torture test for myself and the truck! May happen though! Talk of stopping in Minneapolis to see cousin pitch against the Twins.

Thanks again for the advice/expertise!

06-11-2009, 13:19
I have both symptoms going on with my truck right now. Tentioner is vibrating and a surge also. I run FPPF Formula at every fill up and it usually calms the surging down. You can use whatever additive you want as long as it has lubrication. I dont plan on replacing my FPR anytime soon, but I am changing my serp. belt and tentioner soon.