View Full Version : what type of rear oil seal?

04-24-2009, 19:31
I have a 1987(old body style) 6.2L GMC diesel 1/2 ton 4x4 pickup, and the rear main oil seal is leaking. Dose anybody know if it is a two piece seal or a rope pack, and can it be accessed by dropping the oil pan, or do you haave to drop the tranny? Your Help would be much appreciated.:confused:

04-25-2009, 07:42
Likely has either a felt seal or a rope seal.

Drop the pan, remove the rear main and you can access the seal.

Clean out the seal groove carefully and you can install a new two piece neoprene unit.
Install with the lips facing the inside of the engine.
Clean the area well where the cap meets the block as well as the cap.
Apply a small amount of "High Tack) sealer to the ends of the seal where they meet and the area just around the seal.

Now bolt the cap back on and torque the bolts.

Refit the pan and your good to go. No need to drop the tranny.

Messy job but fairly straight forward


04-25-2009, 11:40
And, it's a 2-piece rear main seal....

The rope was used originally from factory, later, Felpro developed a neoprene seal as a replacement (it's better, and easier to install).


04-25-2009, 18:08
thanks, you saved me alot of work I almost dropped the tranny, I dropped the oil pan but I can't get the oil pump to drop, I pulled the single bolt holding it on, but the truck just wont give me the pump and I dont know why.

04-25-2009, 19:30
Some of them fit pretty tight, you might try tapping on the pumps body with a rubber mallet, it's just fitting snug on the pin on the main bearing cap.

04-26-2009, 06:50
thx I'll try

04-26-2009, 22:36
Apply a small amount of "High Tack) sealer to the ends of the seal where they meet and the area just around the seal.



Quick question for you.... this "High Tack" sealer.... what sort of stuff is this?? (It may be called something different over here in Australia) is it a silicone type product or something different. Only reason I'm asking is I've replaced my rear main seal twice now and always seems to come back leaking. There are no small/minute score marks etc on the crank and it's really starting to peev me off with the drips on the driveway.

If you could post a link to a page so I can see what it looks like or specs of it, I'm sure I could pick something similar up from the local auto store. Just one last thing, where can I buy online a few of these 2 piece rear main seals and get them shiped out here to OZ??? seems the only way I can get one over here is to buy the whole engine gasket kit which is a bit of a waste as I already got a heap of spare gaskets I don't exactly need atm!!


01-07-2012, 20:16
Have been reading old posts on the new neoprene 2-piece replacing the old rope/felt seal, but no one was mentioning the finer details on the replacement.

Am I safe to assume that the new neoprene, 2-piece goes in without the torque-plastigage-retorque procedure mentioned in the shop manual?

Any hints on removing the remnants of a rope seal that is disintegrating?

Any other hints would be appreciated.

01-07-2012, 23:27
Unless you are replacing bearings or the crank, retorque according to spec. No gaging necessary.

Pushing the new seal in should clear out any left-overs. What doesn't push out isn't of any consequence.

01-08-2012, 07:01
So I don't need all of the used GM special tools I just bought last week on the internet!?

01-08-2012, 10:53
You may not need them now........
But if you do you will have them


01-08-2012, 10:59
So I don't need all of the used GM special tools I just bought last week on the internet!?

I "need" all the tools I have. Even the ones I've never used, or may never use. Whoever dies with the most tools, wins!