View Full Version : only starts when warm, no cold start

04-23-2009, 20:53
Well as said. as long as temperature is warm, truck never stumbles, dies, fishbytes, or misses a lick. As soon as we have a cool morning truck starts, but dies. Will do this several times, untill you get it rollig a mile or 2 later. clears up runs fine. Some times it will die two or three times before you can get 2 or 3 miles and then it cranks like it has no fuel. After it warms up for the day, it fire off with first lick. Currently has and maintains DTC 35

1994 6.5 Turbo Diesel
4wd Crew cab dually.
5-spd manual
new: pmd-remote mounted
#9 resistor
iat sensor
coolant temp sensor
wire harness noise filter
high torque gear-reduction starter

04-23-2009, 22:24
Sound like you got a bit of air in the fuel system at startup[purges on the go], you may lose prime overnight trough fuel leakback[LP check valve shot].Or your OPS is shot or LP aint working.[Test at the firewall fuse,or jump the relay beside it,first one at dr side.] IP will have to suck fuel up itself.
Check for fuel at the T -valve after startup. If your LP is bad,your engine will die, and you wont be able to fire it up again if the LP gave up the ghost.

You could have to much vac in the tank as well,loosen the fuel cap to check.

04-24-2009, 19:01
I have already put new lp and ops on. Checked T-valve again. Truck stays running.

I originally thought the same about air, and so downloaded several dealer service sheets on checking for air leaks in fuel lines between tank and IP.

PROBLEM IS-----Last three days have been above 50 degrees in the morn. Truck starts runs drives perfectly all day. Starts at time to go home. Have drove all over in this. No problems at all.

New glowplugs. Keep it plugged in all the time.
Wonder if it could be fuel heater in fuel manager. Hate to spend $200 for this.

04-24-2009, 19:03
I understand diesel has to have fuel and compression for ignition, but I thought I read fuel needs to be a certain temp to fire. Hence the fuel heater under the filter housing.

04-24-2009, 19:54
Most likely something to do with glowplugs, not the actual glowplugs cause you say their new, test the relay or something. Its got a 5 speed manual, man that has to be fun, I wish mine was manual.

04-24-2009, 22:09
I have already put new lp and ops on. Checked T-valve again. Truck stays running.

I originally thought the same about air, and so downloaded several dealer service sheets on checking for air leaks in fuel lines between tank and IP.

PROBLEM IS-----Last three days have been above 50 degrees in the morn. Truck starts runs drives perfectly all day. Starts at time to go home. Have drove all over in this. No problems at all.

New glowplugs. Keep it plugged in all the time.
Wonder if it could be fuel heater in fuel manager. Hate to spend $200 for this.
ANY WAY TO CHECK?The fuelheater only activates below 10 degree C to prevent gelling,i dont think that is your problem.

Mebby your timing is off a wee bit,and need to be reset [ timing chain worn]?
Altough i still think a fuel issue. I suggest you swap the IP return hose with a clear one,there should still be fuel in that line in the morning,save a air bubble in the top of the curve.If the line is empty ,you got leakback. [ A new LP is no garanty it is good!]

04-25-2009, 13:09
thanks I will try the glowplug relay. As for leakback I dont think so. It can set 2or 3 days and fire immedialtly right up now that the mornings have been warm.
Only when temps fall below 50 degrees Farenheight, does it act up. SIMON said fuel heater activates below 10 degrees C. which is about 50 Degrees Farenheight. Do you think that might be a problem?

04-25-2009, 14:09
Glow plugs wont have notting to do with your prob,when your engine dies when allready driving 1 or 2 mls.

Glow probs show up when you do a cold start, and the engine stumbles and pumps out white smoke,and starts to smooth out as soon as all cyl come on line.

code 35 points to a fuel issue.

you may try a other PMD, there's no telling when they give hickups,i have had starts like you and dying a couple of times,and be fine for a while,at other times it failed to even start.
new PMD solved the prob.

04-25-2009, 21:48
again truck runs good after 1 or 2 miles, only screws up at start up then smoothes out. It however does not smoke at all. Only screws up when temp outside is cold.

04-25-2009, 23:17
Do you get any timing advance when cold? You should notice that the engine is more raspy when it starts, especially in the colder weather.

Just a trick, unplug the two wire connector on the water crossover pipe on the passenger's side, it tells the computer what temp things are at. How does it start then (do this for your first start). These things go bad and cause hard starting.

Do a search for the DTC35, which is responce time too short. Which does point to something inside the pump, but external issues will certainly contribute to the code.

Forget the fuel heater in the filter housing, as mentioned this is not causing your issue, used for cold service (driving).