View Full Version : algae in my diesel?

04-18-2009, 07:48
i have let my car sit for a while, and i have heard that algae can grow in diesel fuel. i was wondering if there are any tests i could do to check if there is. and what i could do to get rid of it before i start driving it again , to prevent more damage.

any information would be greatly appreciated

Mark Rinker
04-18-2009, 20:55
Welcome aboard!

If you aren't plugging filters, it isn't a problem. Fill it up with fresh fuel, run a good additive, double dosing the first tankful, and chances are things will be fine.

If you start plugging filters, and suspect algae is the culprit, start a treatment regimine with any number of commercially available algecides. (Googling 'diesel algecides' will point you in the right direction...)

Let us know how things go.

05-01-2009, 07:37
We stock the FPPF Killem biocide product which will prevent spread but will still leave you with residue in the tank.

05-03-2009, 18:53
Algae don't live in diesel fuel, they live at a fuel-water interface, so if you have no water in your tank, there'll be no algae. The periodic use of a bicide is always a good idea as a preventive measure, however.